Prolouge : A New Type Of Hell

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Hi, I'm Mike Otto and this is my story. I'm a tall motherfucker. Almost two meters (1'95).
I'm 19 years old, I have a semi baby face and my favorite color is black. My eyes are blue, I have dark brown hair, pretty short. I have black glasses. I don't use em much, I just use em to see things that are far away, like for tiny words and shit. I tend to wear black hoodies a lot, my go to colors are white and blue, and anything with stripes. I  love music. Anime is my life. Yea yea, weeaboo much. I get it.  I have a dark blue jeans on with a pair of black converse. That's a brief description of me, now let me tell you what's going  on this world we call home. It's been a few days. You ever have those days when you already knew that the world was going to hell, that everything was pure shit... but you wouldn't ever guess that the world could hit rock bottom? Man let me tell you, we hit rock bottom. I thought it wouldn't be able to get any worse. We already had hell on earth going on. Boy was I wrong. Because you'd think with what was already going on, things were bad. Well with all those murders, with all the robbery, theft, war, famine, poverty and just pure hatred.... man, that's not even close to what the world is now a days. Now, it's not like before anymore. People were scared of doing the wrong things, killing etc. People were scared for the wrong reasons. They didn't see this coming. Things aren't like before anymore. But now people don't even think twice. Humanity has always been dependent on death, but never to this extent. Having to take a life away nowadays is what guarantees you your survival. Well... life? or no-life... don't know what to call them. And well... if you still don't know what I mean... I'm talking about zombies. Not those typical cliche motherfuckers in movies. Legitimate zombies. Of course, I like killing them. Sorry if that's dark. I find it relaxing and a good way to clear yourself of anger. Call me twisted, but I've actually had this dream for so long. That one day the world would succumb to an unstoppable virus that would cause the zombie Apocalypse. It does have it's downfalls, like losing your life or the people who you hold dear get taken away from you by that fucking virus... and to watch normal everyday folks see their loved ones get ripped to shreds by these.. things. It changes you. Your instinctual nature comes out. You either adapt or die. It might be traumatic for the weak, but I am not weak. 

Well anyway, enough about myself and details about morality. Let me tell you how this madness started, how it became hell for some and heaven for people like me. Let me tell you how the world went to hell in a couple of hours.

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