Chapter 1: Since you left

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I run my fingers through my ink black hair before hugging him one last time before he leaves through the door.
"I love you," he caresses my cheek so lightly it tickles my skin.
"I... I..." Tears explode in my eyes; everything becomes blurry. I cant even speak.
I collapse onto his chest, wrapping my arms around him. He squeezes me one last time before running out the door so he cant see me burst into tears.
My boyfriend has left me for college.
Its something he's always wanted to do, I mean, its not like I have the liberty to crush his dreams or anything.
But he freaking left me!
Separated by a whopping nine states, I couldn't come with him. I mean, I'm still a Junior, so we cant go together. And since he's going to be a doctor and me a writer, there's no way we could go to the same college.
"What's wrong?"
I turn around. My foster sister, Maya, tugs at my spongebob sweatpants. "Why are you crying?"
I smile weekly at her, not wanting to upset the poor four year old by ignoring her, and bend down to her size. "I'm okay."
She giggles. "Lier."
"Shut up," I playfully shove her in the arm. She sprints for the kitchen, and I chase after her.
"Hey hey hey!" My mother yells after Maya angrily. "Sit down! Stop running in the kitchen, its time for dinner."
I slide into the seat next to Maya. "Does Josh want something to eat?" Mother asks as she slides a plate full of hot food in front of Maya.
"Um, he left," my voice suddenly hoarse.
"Left? Before dinner?"
"He was going to stay," I clear my throat. "I started getting upset, and he didnt want to see me like that anymore." I swallow hard. "He wants me to be happy."
My mother rubs her hand up and down my back lightly. "He'll visit, okay? You can always videochat him."
I nod, not wanting to cause anymore of a fuss over me by telling her that its not the same.
"Leeeee-deeee-doooooo..." A shaky voice bellows upstairs.
"Richard!" My mother screams up the stairs. "Come down here and eat!"
"Shut up, woman!" His voice rickety from alcohol as he tramples down the stairs.
"What's wrong with Uncle Richard?" Maya asks, her voice muffled from the corn stuffed in her mouth.
Maya has always called us Uncle Richard and Aunt Margret, but she has always referred to me as Big Sissy. Its so adorable.
But I shouldn't get attached to her.
After all, she's our foster child. She'll be leaving in two months.
"Oh, Uncle Richard's fine," she brushes Maya's orange puffy hair. "He's just tired."
Truth is, my father's been an alcohol addict for just about my whole life. But we never speak of it. Especially not to a four year old who we just got.
After dinner I wander to my bedroom and collapse onto the freshly-washed sheets. I check my messages from Josh that I sent to him before I ate.
Cassie Webster: hey Joshie
Joshua Reed: hi babe
Joshua Reed: u ok
Cassie Webster: no
Cassie Webster: i really miss u
Joshua Reed: its been 20 min
Cassie Webster: exactly
Joshua Reed: hah. sorry i gotta go i just got to the airport. ill call u ok
Joshua Reed: i love you

I never responded.

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