Chapter 5: The Dylan, Claire, And Becky Show

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"And then we went to the pet store but we never got anything and I was kind of mad because I wanted a kitty but then we went to Chipotle but my burrito was too spicy so I got to drink Big Sissy's lemonade and then I went home and got in the bath but I got bubbles in my nose and it was funny but gross and then I went to sleep and dreamed about me and a dog with a fluffy-"
"Maya!" I sigh in exasperation. "Youre going to talk him to death!"
Wade laughs. "Actually, I love her stories," he takes a sip of his iced tea. "They're unique."
"Maya," I clear my throat. "Could you play in your room with your dolls?" I scratch the back of my neck. "I have to talk to Wade for a second."
"Ooookaay," she says in a sketchy tone. "But you two better be kissing really good!"
"Maya!" I scream as Wade howls with laughter.
She runs out the room before I can catch her.
"Now there's a girl I would date," he winks at her just before she goes out of sight.
I don't say anything. 
Wade clears his throat. "Look, Cassie, I need to tell you the truth. Last night, I told you that I picked you up up to get a date but I lied. Josh was really in there with Beige. But after you told me about you and Josh and your family, I started to feel guilty and I couldn't let you go in there and see that. So i used my perfect charm to make you leave and it worked," he flaunts. "I was saving your ass, not being one."
I laugh at his choice of words. "Im sorry, Wade," I shake my head. "I should've listened to you. This morning I called Josh and Beige was with him, and I knew you were telling the truth. I was just being..."
"...stubborn." He finishes for me with a smile.
"Yeah," I nod, clearing my throat. "So did he never leave for college?"
"The tool told you he's going to college?" he laughs. "Let me guess, he told you he's going for an accountant." He cackles.
I blush of embarrassment for my foolishness. "A doctor," I say quietley. "He said he'd be in school for six years."
Wade is laughing so hard his cream skin has turned raspberry red; sprawled out on my blue carpet.
"He didn't even finish high school," he pretends to wipe a tear from his eye from laughing.
"Now that is a lie. He's in our school; he graduated!"
"No, no," he puts a hand on my shoulder in sympathy. "He has to do twelfth grade again, but he's not. He got his own place not too far from here, and he's living with Beige."
"That's impossible."
He shrugs. "It's the truth."
"I don't see an awful lot of kissing going on in here," complains Maya as she trudges back in.
"Oh, I'm sorry, madam," Wade uses a fake British accent. He makes a face with his hand and kisses it delicatley. "There, how's that?"
She giggles. "Better," she nods. "Cassie, cam we play dolls together?"
"Maybe later, Maya, we're talking."
"I'll play dollies with you, girlfriend!" Wade chimes in.
"I thought Cassie was your girlfriend!" Maya smiles.
"She, like, totally smells like barf," now he's using a girl teenager voice. "I want you to be my girlfriend now."
"Okay!" Maya sits down next to him excitedly. "And we can play dolls together, right?"
"Of course, gurl." He exaggerates the voice a little bit more.
"Okay. I'll be Claire and you can be Dylan."
"Eww!" Wade flips the Ken doll aside. "I don't wanna be stinky ol' Dylan. What is he wearing? Hashtag fashion disaster!"
She laughs. "Fine. I'll be Dylan."
"Good. And I call Cassie to be Becky!" He raises up the third doll.
"Fine," I fight a smile.
And we would've sat there playing dolls (the Dylan, Claire, and Becky show, as Maya calls it) for forever if my mom hadn't come home.
"Aunt Margret!" Maya drops her doll and sprints downstairs.
Wade swallows and checks his watch. "I have to get going," he sighs. "My break was over a while ago." He smiles at me. "Thanks for the date. I'll text you, if I'm allowed to," he winks.
And then he was gone.
"Who was that?" My mother asks right after he's out the door.
"Oh, nobody."
"Oh, nobody? I'm not letting some 'nobody' in my house without knowing about it! I thought you were dating Josh!"
"Gosh, mom I am! I let a friend over for an hour and my mom thinks I'm dating him!"
"A boyfriend," Maya corrects.
"Maya!" I yell.
"Oh, so you are dating him! And lying to me! And you were supposed to take Maya to camp today!"
I swallow hard. "I didn't think you'd mind," I say.
"Cassie, I pay for her to go to that camp! You think I'm sending her there for my health?"
"Go to your room, miss! And I don't want to see you for the rest of the night!"
Great, I think to myself, smiling happily, as I turn for my room. Because I have plans.

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