Chapter: 7

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Chapter Seven 

The next night of withdrawal seems easier, somehow. It seems to be over a lot quicker, and I remain awake long enough to feel it. I can feel the pain lessening. It becomes easier to breathe, my body doesn’t hurt as much. Maybe it’s just Cheryl, with me constantly. She even hums now and again, and it’s really soothing. 

It gets to about two in the morning and I wake up feeling like I usually do every late morning; groggy and sick, but otherwise fine. Cheryl is wide awake next to me. ‘It’s alright.’ She whispers immediately. ‘I’ve got you.’ 
‘Cheryl… I feel ok.’ I say with some surprise. 
‘Well… not perfect, but… I think so. I feel better.’ 
Cheryl sighs with relief. ‘That’s great.’ 
‘Sorry, you can…go to bed now if you want, I’m fine.’ I say awkwardly. The truth is, Cheryl has spent the last two nights in bed with me, and I think I’ll feel lonely when she isn’t there any more. 
‘D’you want a brew first?’ 
‘Yeah, go on then.’ 
We go together, then sit in the front room and wrap ourselves under blankets on opposite ends of the sofa, facing each other. 

‘What’s your favourite song ever?’ Cheryl says suddenly. 
‘Just wondering.’ She shrugs. ‘I’m not tired yet.’ 
‘Fair enough… I think Oasis, “Don’t Look Back In Anger”. It’s a bit weird actually… my dad wanted it playing at his funeral, maybe it should make me sad but… it doesn’t it reminds me of him.’ 
‘Aah, that’s really sweet.’ 
‘What’s yours?’ 
‘Snow Patrol, “Set Fire To The Third Bar”. Me current favourites change all the time but that one’s stuck out to me for years, I love it.’ 
‘I don’t think I know that one.’ 
Cheryl looks like she might have a heart attack. She gets up straight away and sets up the stereo. ‘Cheryl, I’ll listen to it in the morning or something.’ 
‘It is morning.’ Cheryl says with a wink, sitting back down with the remote. She skips to the song and smiles when it starts. ‘For the record I’ll be personally offended if you don’t like it.’ 
I just smile and listen to the song. 

‘That was really good.’ I say when it ends. Cheryl smiles sleepily. Then her phone buzzes with a text. 
‘Do you leave that on all night?’ 
‘I have to, I’ve got friends across the world one of them might need to call me.’ 
‘You’re all heart Cheryl.’ 
‘I know.’ She winks, picking up the phone. Then her face falls. ‘Oh my God.’ 
‘What’s wrong?’ 

Cheryl stands up quickly, getting tangled in her blanket and almost falling over. ‘He’s here. Oh my God, he’s here.’ 
‘What? Who’s here?’ 
‘Ashley. M-my ex.’ She’s shaking again, breathing heavily. She jumps about a foot in the air when someone starts knocking sharply on the door. ‘Sh*t. Sh*t! How did he get in the building?!’ 
‘Cheryl, calm down.’ 
‘What do I do?’ 
‘I’ve got an idea. Go in your room and stay there, let me handle this.’ 
‘What? Why, what’re you gonna do?’ 
‘I’m gonna get rid of him. Get out of sight.’ 
‘But I--’ 
‘Cheryl. Trust me.’ 

Cheryl bites her lip, but runs quickly into her room. She half closes the door, leaving it open enough to listen. There is another series of knocks. I throw the blanket over my shoulders and mess my hair up a bit, switch on the lamp nearest the door and go to open it, screwing my face up against the sudden brightness of the light. 
‘The man stood there looks utterly confused when he sees me. ‘Can I help you?’ I say groggily. 
‘Who are you?’ he demands. I stand up straighter. 
‘Who are you?’ 
‘I’ve come to see my wife…’ 
‘Sorry mate but I don’t think I’m her. Didn’t your…wife…tell you she’d moved?’ 
‘I moved in here a few weeks ago, sorry.’ 
‘The name on the buzzer downstairs still says Cole.’ 
‘Yeah I haven’t got round to changing it yet.’ I yawn. ‘Look, I’m going back to bed. Sorry I can’t help you.’ 
‘Hang on a second.’ He sticks his foot in the door, stopping me from closing it. ‘Did she leave a forwarding address?’ 
‘Why would she leave me a forwarding address?’ I say angrily. ‘Goodnight, sir.’ 

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