It all started with a crash (a RayRay love story)

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Chapter 1
Skylar prov:

I'm usually a patient person, but I don't know how much longer I can take standing in this line before I throw my items at the cashier and tell her to hurry the hell up. You should have priority if you have less than 5 items.

Ugh, this is just ridiculous. I texted Ariana, my best friend, to let her know that I was stuck in a long ass queue.

me: Guurrrlll, I know you're about to kill me for being so late, but you should see this line!

Ariana: I still don't get why you HAD to go to Target before we hit the club.

me: I NEED my supplies ;)

Ariana:whatever, see you in a few.
I put my phone back in my pocket, and tapped my foot loudly in an irritated manor. I am honestly going to have to write a letter to the customer services in this place, it just is not on.

Ariana Prov

Tyga was blaring loud on my stereo as I danced around my room like I was a back up dancer for Beyonce. I

THOUGHT no one could see me, little did I know, the boy next door was peeping again.

"Ugh, CREEP" I yelled out of the window as I closed the blinds.
He really needed to just read a book or something.

I kissed all the Princeton's pictures on my wall before turning off my music and the lights and going downstairs to wait for Skylar.

I bet she wasn't even in Target anymore, she'd probably wandered into McDonalds or something, I know she eats when she's irritated, matter of fact she eats non stop.

As I got downstairs my older brother, Riley, paused the game of COD he was playing and shook his head.

"nope, no, absolutely not," he said eyeing me up.

"Problem?" I answered back. I couldn't be asked to put up with him right now.
"Are you going to a dance club, or a strip club?"

"WHAT?! This dress isn't even that short and these heels are below 4 inches."

He just sat back down, he's so annoying, even if he is my brother and he 'cares'. This club we were going to tonight is going to have celebrities scattered all around it. And...... PRINCETON. Thinking about him made my heart skip a beat.

Skylar prov

I was practically running towards Ariana's house, I'd lost too much time already. I texted her to tell her to wait outside cause I was less than 2 minutes away.

After crossing a few roads and seeing an old man peeing on a tree, I was on ariana's street.

"SKY" she called out.

I saw her standing on her doorstep in a black bodycon dress that hugged her body and a pair of short, silver strappy heels.

She looked good, her swag was always on point. I walked into the road and she struck three poses showing off her outfit.

I laughed and pretended to be paparazzi with my invisible camera.

Then out of nowhere as I continued to cross the road a black Range Rover came speeding round the corner speeding.

I was so shocked, I forgot to move.

Arianna prov

"Skylar move!" I yelled, you could hear my voice shaking.

The car hit her hip and she flew a few feet down the road and landed smack hard on the road.

"Riley, get out here now," I called to my brother as I hurried down the stairs.
"Busy," he replied.

"I SAID NOW RILEY!" I almost roared.

He knew something was up because when he ran out the door, he almost tripped and fell.

We both ran to Skylar's body and tears ran down my face. Her eyes were shut and her arms and face were bruised and cut.

I was about to march over to the car that hit her and give them a piece of my mind, but the doors on either side of the front of the car swung open And two guys ran towards us.

Ray Ray and Princeton, swagged out in snapbacks and casual party wear.

I gazed at Princeton in awe, then realized my best friend was sprawled out on the road like a ragdoll.

"Shit. Look what I've done," Ray said. He looked so scared.

It all started with a crash (a RayRay love story)Where stories live. Discover now