Maizy and Shiver

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Before this starts i wanna give a shout out to @Percybeth_Lover for helping me and suggesting this to be a story, anyways, lets start!

Maizy's pov

I opened my eyes and look around, I recognized the small figure next to me, it was Shray, my brother, his chocolate brown hair sticking out everywhere! I walked into the bathroom and fixed myself up before exiting out room, I look at the stairs and saw as Shiver was coming up them, she turned my way and waved before entering her room. I smiled and ran down stairs where the rest of my Fathers pack is, my Father is the Alpha and Shray will be alpha when we're older. I walked into the kitchen and sat down with the rest of the off spring around my age that where waiting for food, there weren't that many though, but thats what happens when your born in the middle of the winter. I smiled as Kanya sat next to me followed by Shray and finally Shiver, we where handed a plate of pancakes and we quickly eat before heading outside to play. I watched as everyone played, Kanya, Shray and Shiver where talking, dipping there feet in the pool as the older kids played soccer or football and just plainly messed around. I sighed and walked to the tree near the fence facing the forest and climbed it, sitting on a branch facing the trees. I was so lost in though, staring at the trees i didn't notice Shray sit next to me. I smiled at him as we stared into the trees together, it was quiet, just how we liked it. "Kids, come inside, it's gonna rain" just like a trigger, it started pouring. We all ran inside screaming as the cold drops hit us, stupid vampires and there abilities. I was handed a towel and dried myself off, I glanced at Shiver who just shakes her head, getting water all over the older werewolves causing everyone to laugh. The rest of the day was spent inside, I played video games with Shray and his friends, every once and awhile glancing behind me to see Shiver reading a book and listening to music, I liked music. In fact i'm gonna start writing my own songs,I waved to everyone as i stood upand headed to Shray and I's room to rest, I fell right to sleep to the patters of the rain

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