Pack run

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Shiver's pov

Sresha woke me up by jumping on top of me, i playfully glared at her and pushed her off, causing her to fall off the bed. "Not cool!" i rolled my eyes at her and helped her up. "Let's go down stairs and eat before the others get their" i nod and let her drag me down stairs to the kitchen, suddenly Comit called everyone to the living room. Once everyone was their Kaper talked. "Sense we have a friend staying here for a little we are going on a pack run three in groups" everyone got into groups yelling and jumping in excitement. "Shiver, you willbe in a group with Comit, Sresha, Celino, Prect and I" i nod as everyone shifted. Sresha is a plain light brown wolf, Celino is a gray wolf with black patches and Prect is a dark brown dog with white paws and tailtip. Kaper gives each group leader a direction were to meet again before flicking his tail tip and everyone was off, i followed the big gray and black dog in front of me. We ran towards the forest, jumping over the fence and into the trees, out paws making a thundering noise as we ran. I felt like a sheep in a flock as my flank rubbed against Sresha's as we kept in pattern together, i felt her nudge me towards a different direction then the other two groups as we went towards the left. We jumped over a small stream some of the dogs decided to splash the rest of us by jumping in it making it muddy. As we kept going the sound off wolves fighting caught all of out attention. 'Must be the teams fighting again' I heard one dog say to another dog that looked like them. 'Are we joining?' she asked him. 'That's up to Comit and Kaper' Sresha said to them. Our though was confirmed when we heard Comit howl and jump into battle, I didn't really know what was going on but we jumped in between two groups of wolves/dogs. 'What's going to this time?' Kaper growled as the the pack stayed in between the fighting groups who tried to get past us. To be honest i was scared, these wolves looked vicious and bigger then my pack ever was, Sresha is fur was bristled like everyone else's compared to the other two 'teams' we are the size of a wolf pup. They didn't look like they would listen for long before pouncing on us. 'Nothing your pack needs to interfere with' one of the leader wolves, bigger then the others said coming to stand in front of Comit. 'Our species will die soon if you keep causing fights, i know your spirit animals and bonded with humans but we can't become in slaved' Kaper said calming down a bit. 'That's not our problem' before i knew it they jumped up and attacked.

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