7 - Lost

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Jenna passes out in the passenger seat right after she mumbles the word hospital. I admit, I started going into freak out mode. I don't remember much of what happened after that other than when I got to the hospital I ran in calling for help and everything started swirling around me and Jenna was being taken back and I couldn't go and I was in the waiting room crying and praying and I called my parents and when they got there everything seemed to slow down again, they rushed through the door my mom embracing me in a hug.

"My baby, how's Jenna and the baby? Do you know?"

I shake my head no "They took her back forty-five minutes ago, somethings wrong and I don't know what."

"Son, calm down. Your mother and I have had our fair share of pregnancy complications and we got through them with healthy babies."

"I know, I'm so worried though."

A doctor walks out

"Are you Oliver Quinn." She asks, I nod "I need you to come with me."

I turn and look at my parents

"You are all grown up act like it and go." My dad says implementing his tough love policy

I follow the doctor down a hallway and into a room.

"Mr Quinn, Jenna is in stable condition. She suffered from dehydration, malnutrition, as well as having high blood pressure and stress levels off the charts. She had a ruptured placenta. Now, I'm sorry for you loss, we tried to do everything we could but your child could not be saved once he placenta ruptured."

The world stops and I feel my heart stop.

"My baby, our baby, is dead?"

"I'm sorry, would you like to see your girlfriend. She doesn't know yet." I nod and she walks out of the room, I stand up to follow but I blink my eyes and everything becomes fuzzy and I hear my moms voice

"We should wake him, Jenna's awake and asking for him."

"Mom....Dad?" I sit up rubbing my eyes "Is Jenna and our baby okay?"

"Yes son, they are doing just fine. The doctor came out and told us a few hours ago, you were asleep so we didn't think we should bother you." My dad says

"So it's not true, we didn't lose the baby? Jenna's okay? Our bangs okay?"

"Oh honey, is that why you seemed restless. You were dreaming about Jenna and your baby?" My mom sits beside me rubbing my back

"Yeah, she has me worried sick."

"Go back and see her, she's yo and asking for you. Your dad and I will be here taking care of payments for this."

"Should we call her parents?"

"She said not to, but I did and they refused to come."

"Thank you for not being like her parents. I know I'm not exactly the dream son right now."

"Oh baby, your girlfriend is having my grandbaby, of course I'll be here." She kisses my forehead and I get up and go to Jenna's room.

"Ollie, you came." Jenna whispers when she sees me

"If it hurts to talk don't, everything's okay, everything will be okay. You, me, and this little one." I say leaning over kissing her belly. "I was thinking, I'm quitting my sports, I've already got an after school and weekend job."

"I'm not letting you give up soccer. You have to at least stay with soccer." She speaks up "You can't throw away your scholarship opportunities unlike me."

"Babe. I want to stay with soccer but you and my baby are more important."

"Then if I'm more important you won't give up soccer. That's an order."

"What about my job? I couldn't take off for every practice and game."

"I've got my job at the mall. I've got savings. I don't want you to quit what makes you happy. Besides, this little ones going to need to know how brilliant her daddy is when he starts coaching her soccer team."


"I have a feeling, I think it's going to be a girl."

"Well, then I'd have my queen and my princess and that's all I'd ever want."

"I'm one lucky lady."

"Get some sleep, it's been exhausting, I'm skipping school tomorrow to stay with you."

"Dear lord, you can't skip. You've never missed a day of school in your life."

"Well, every record has an ending."

"You sir are going to school, you can get my homework. Besides, your mother has already volunteered to stay here with me. She and I have surprise plans."

"Women and their plans....."

"Shut your dang mouth Ollie." She snaps

"Fine, fine. Now rest, I'm going home to get you the necessities." I give into her, knowing that right now is one of those moments where we don't need a petty fight, there are bigger things to worry about right now: our baby and Jenna's health.

"Okay," she shuts her eyes and I sit with her till I know she's fast asleep

I walk back into the waiting room to see my mom leaning against my dad fast asleep

"Son, I'm thinking of heading out. Your mom insisted on waiting here all night but she's had a long day and we need to get home to your siblings."

"Okay, I was actually heading that way to get some things for Jenna. She says I have to go to school and I can't quit soccer. But, I want to so I can work."

"That's not up to me son."

"I know, I just wish it was a bit easier to decide."

"The second you two found out she was pregnant you left the easy path a million miles behind you. Your mother will be here tomorrow, you have to stay in school. Think of the future, you graduating, your child, you furthering your education. You need to keep those things in mind."

"Thanks dad, I needed a kick of reality." He chuckles

"My dad taught me well, and besides I know you don't want to take over the business and Estella is going to when I step down but your going to face a lot of challenges in your life and you can't turn away or try to take the easier way out of things." He pauses "Now, go on home and get your things, we will wish here till you return."

"Okay, thanks dad." I walk out the the parking lot and get in my car. I open the glove box and pull out a tiny black box, I open it and see the perfect ring for the most perfect girl. I put it back in the glove box and begin my drive home.

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