part 4

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  • Dedicated to Thirtynine(crush's secret code name)

Peyton's POV

So after school i go and meet Aiden outside the school then he gives me the adress of his house and says"  you can come tomorrow its saturday right?" he says with a smirk placed on his face. i say "alright "and turn around to go home then he says  "i can give you a ride if you please" i say "thanx but my house is really close." he insists and i have no choice but except his offer. "what a lovely house" he says after he places on a sneaky smile when we arrive. I tell him to "shut up" and thank  him then head up the drive way into my house. My moms manic reaction scares me when she begins asking "OMG who is he? he has a lamborgini? he is so rich? how did you meet him?oh no are you drug dealing?" i say" no mum i don't drug deal he is just a friend froom school who i have been assigned to for a home run project" i reply. She smiles and says am glad your making friends on th first day and hmmm with a boy. i sarcasticlly tell my mum to "shut up" as i head upstairs and "oh mum i am going to his house tomorrow for the project" i shout as i enter my room.

I don't know whats wrong with me i have  certain burge of excitement knowing that i am  going to Aidens house tomorrow."Oh well" i say to  myself, "lets see what tomorrow will bring" and i fall asleep right then.

next morning* After getting readiing i head over to Aiden's house. I think i feel nervous.Me feeling nervous NEVER!!. As i approched the mansion....more like his mansion,I couldn't help but hold my breath as i took in its magnificence. The gates protecting the home were made of shiny black stone with a mixture of dark crystal and the mansion was made of polished white rock.Marble statues stood tall and mighty by the entrace and i couldn't seem to take my eyes off the brilliant details on them. I forced myself to look away,however, as i walked up the steps and into the building. To say the mansion was incredible ,was an understandment ... and thats just for the outside....

"Excuse me ma'am; can i help you?" asked a woman  

"Yeah actually I am looking for Aiden,he said he lives here" i replied

"You then must be Peyton; Aiden is in his room, you can go there.It's on th 3rd floor on the right" she told  me

i thanked her and headed towards the building and started to walk to his room. I knocked on the door. How polite am i :)? I went in after a reply of "come in". It was so awkward I was just standing there staring at him waiting for him to start talking. While waiting, i would not deny that he looked really hot and sexy. He was wearing skinny jeans and he had" NO SHIRT!". He had  a six pack and fairly tanned skin and his arms!! ohhh don't even get me started with his muscular arms. I was a sucker for muscled arms. "Soo, we should get on with this project" I broke the silence first.

He raised an eyebrow. OH MY GOD.. i hope he didn't see me stare at him. I SWEAR THAT MINUTE I COULD HAVE DIED OF EMBARRESMENT. "Yh we should" he replied with a smile on his face. i tried not to look at him any more then he said "if me taking ff my shirt is unconfortable you could tell me and i could put it back on". "no its alright  its your house anyway" i say quietly. He walks up to me and raises my head then says "you could tell me you know?" i couldn't help  but notice house light his blonde hair was and how beautiful his gracious green eyes were.And dang... his lips were red red like strawberries and the way he moved them as he spoke it was just...... OMG PEYTON SNAP OUT OF IT. "its your choice" i replied then he heads into what i think is his bathroom and puts a light transprent white vest on. We get started on the project and i ask him "to have an utopia world who are your most important people?". he thinks then replies my mum, Tray, You... i laugh at his remark and tell him to be serious. then he says "am serious though to have utopia i would need you.... its... please don't laugh when i say this" .i say "ok" then he says " its like your my straw to my berry ..... your the smoke to my heart..... and i have been lost for words since i laid eyes on you." he replies i can see the embarrassment on his face then i hold up his  face and when am about to speak and say "you don't have to.....". bang he smashes his lips on mine. I can't help but smile at how soft his lips are and how they taste like red cherries and how our tongues and lips move in synch

Aiden's POV

I hear a knock on the door i and quickly reply "come in" without any hesitation i turn around and land on the most amazing site ever hahaha Peyton is look at me with her mouth agape and her eyes wide open haha. she breaks the silence and says " soo. we should get on with this project" then she puts her head low and i can sense that she is insecure about my body being out in the open like this so i ask her if i "should put somethinng on" and she replies in quite  low tone saying "its alright its your house anyway" i head up to her and hold her head up and tell her" i will put on a shirt is you want me to" because she can't even look at me so i head into the bathroom and find a random clean white vest and put it on. I get back in she asks me "to have utopia who are the most important people?" i pretend to think of it then i say "my mum,Tray you..". Omg i let tht slip out of my mouth f*ck i can't take it back. she laughs at it and i feel a bit dissapointed because she didn't believe a little of it then she asks me to be serious and then i say "am serious to have utopia i would need you it.. like..." i first ask her not to laugh at my mark then she say "ok" then i tell her its like you're the straw to my berry.. you're the smoke to my heart.. honestly Peyon i have been lost for words since i first laid my eyes on you" i heard my self say. i turn my head down blushing so much then she holds her head up but i can see her lips moving but i can't hear what she is saying i just see my self leaning forward nd bang.... my next martial reaction was that i needed to have a taste of those lips and i am glad i did. 

chapter 5 in  few miinutes :)

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