part 8

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"ehem're late go take a seat"

I and micheal parted ways as he went to seat at the back corner with his other friends and i sat in the front seat with.. what..? where is kaylen she normaly seats here why is her seat empty.

I turned around to see her seated with Jason. i frowned because lately she spends so much tie with him and its lke i don't exist. Suddenly the teacher put me back to reality when he called out Micheal's name. 

"emm.. sir can i sit next to Destiny i work better and i think we can accomplish more if we work together" Micheal said while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

The teacher bust out in laughter because of how nervous Micheal was then he said

"Actually for this last week you guys can all sit wherever you want since its your last senior year and you are all going to different colleges."

The thought of this made me frown because Kaylen was  going to Paris to study there with Jason while i on the other hand was going to London on my own because Micheal wass going to stay here he was relly clever and had got a scholarship to Harvad.

to be continued... or i dunno i might jus delete this book

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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