Chapter Six: Strange

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As promised I have finished two chapters for this week and I am actually almost done with the next chapter as well 👏☺
Chapter eight has a really big surprise in it 😘 and I'm sorry if this story seems fast pace, I don't feel like it is, but some of you may think so. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did 👍
Well I'll be going now lol See ya!


Chapter Six

The hospital was closed the next day, with half of the bottom floor being burnt. The building wasn't evacuated just had some support structures stuck underneath it while the construction workers quickly began to repair the ruble. My leg was healing quickly, but still stung with the fading feeling of pain. After a quick shower and a fresh wrap on my wound, I stumbled downstairs to find just Sai. He was setting cross legged in the floor, a canvas spread across it with tiny lines drawn in.
"Where are the others?" I asked, setting down on the recliner.
"Naruto and Sasuke are helping fix the hospital and Kakashi is with the police chief. "I am suppose to be protecting you."
"Nice," I pulled my leg up on the chair. "When will they be back?"
"Sometime later," He replied, starting the outline of what I predicted to be a tree. "Sasuke is switching places with me at 3."
"Why?" I questioned. "Or are you all still going by the rounds we went by at the hospital?"
"No, he just volunteered for it," Sai shrugged. "Said he needed to speak to you privately anyways."
"Oh," I made a perfect O shape with my mouth.
"Are you hungry?"
"No, not right now," I answered. "Are you?"
"A little bit," He admitted.
"I'll go fix something," I smiled.
"Thank you, Ugly," He gave me that creepy smile as I walked towards the kitchen.
I decided on something simple: eggs, bacon, and toast. The aroma of grease filled the air as the food neared its end. Sai sensing this rolled into the kitchen, hands covered in charcoal and lead.
"Smells good," He complimented, washing his hands.
I nodded, finishing the eggs and tossing them onto a plate. I handed one over to him and set mine to the side.
Sai ate his food slowly, stopping several times to have small talk with me. We talked about weather, books, paintings, and some music. He was ready to go home already, I could tell from his tone. Then he suddenly shifted the conversation into a serious mode.
"I think some of the hospital personnel are involved with the disappearances," He told me.
"Why do you say that?"
"The guards will only medics alone with medics meaning no one else could possibly get to them but the other medics," Sai put his dish in the sink. "What if they're taking the organs to build some form of a Frankenstein?"
"I don't think so," I laughed. "I do agree with you though, the medics are involved."
"Has to be," He nodded.
"I think that receptionist of mine is involved," I said. "It was strange that she was the only one in the hall of the morgue when I went down there and it was even more strange when she said only Sasuke and I could go in the room, no one else."
"Why'd she say just you and Sasuke?"
"Something about police approval," I muttered. "I want to do some research on this town, it just seems odd that everyone is always happy when something terrible is happening here. I want to talk to the townspeople some more, as well as the police."
"Do you want to go today?" He asked. "Kakashi didn't say we couldn't leave."
"Yeah," I nodded. "Just let me eat and get dressed."
"Okay," He said. "I'm going to go shower."
I nodded, grabbing my plate and setting down at the bar. I had so many unanswered questions that I needed to know. This is driving me crazy, I thought. Between this case and Sasuke, I think I'll loose all of my sanity before returning home. I sighed, Sasuke.
What's happening between us? Do I want to be with him? Even after everything that's happened? I thought for a moment, remembering the way I felt last night when he was so gentle and of the first night when he was being sincere. It all felt surreal, like a dream that I never wanted to end. Am I holding onto my childhood crush or do I really still feel the same way I did then?
I gave up on the confusing thought and decided to clean my dish instead. Afterwards I got dressed, sliding on some comfy pants with a beige and pink loose fitting sweater and a pair of boots. I brushed my hair out and put on a black peacoat. I hurried downstairs where Sai was already waiting.
"Ready?" He asked, opening the door.
"Yep," I walked outside, grabbing a red scarf off of the coat rack. "Where to first?"
"I thought we could ask Bukio some questions first," Sai pointed at the welcome center. "She seems to know a lot about this city and it's people."
True, I thought. Maybe I can get all of my answers from her.
"Knock, knock," I said, as we entered the center.
"Hey you two," She smiled. "Where are the others?"
"Working," I responded. "I was hoping to ask you a few questions if you don't mind?"
"Sure," She motioned for us to come set at her desk. "What's up?"
"Did you know they found another body?" I asked.
"I had heard rumors, but nothing positive," She answered, narrowing her eyes. "Where did they find this one?"
"About a mile from where the other one was found," I replied. "What do you know about this town?"
"Pretty much everything," She laughed. "What do you wanna know?"
"Why was this town built here, in the middle of a snow ridden valley?"
"Well, when the Land of Winter was just beginning this location was just off the coast of the trade route," She picked up a map and pointed to where the trade route was located. "Some traders just decided to stay here. Instead of packing up and moving from town to town they made there own. It started out as just a trading market then slowly grew into a village as people begin to have children and build schools here then became a city after the hospital an baking factory was built. It still strives today, but not for its baked goods and medicine, but rather the beautiful scenery."
"So the businesses are beginning to die out?"
"Very slowly, but unfortunately yes," She frowned. "It's so sad to watch such a striving city start to crumble."
"Wait," I suddenly realized where the bodies had been found. "The bodies were located just a mile east of the route. Maybe they're using the route to transport the organs."
"It would be very dumb to do that," She said. "Many still use the route so they would have been seen by now."
"Is there any underground routes?"
"No, but,"She got up and reached for another map. "There is a cave passage about eight miles back from the road. It's hard to get to because its so high up on the mountain side and stays frozen, making it difficult to climb. The police have never been able to reach it still."
"How do I get there?" I pointed at the map.
"I can map it out for you, but you have to have a permit to climb by yourself," She explained. "No tour guides go up there."
"How do I get one?" I asked.
"The police station can issue you one," Bukio said, marking the map with a red pen. "Then once you go inside its straight through for about five miles until you reach the Reflection Lake. From there you just take the main road to get back to the chair lifts."
"Thank you," I smiled, as she handed me the map.
"You're welcome,"She smiled."Do you have anymore questions?"
"Why are they even targeting medics?" Sai asked, speaking as if it were to himself. "Why not just kill anyone person?"
"Because they need healthy organs and medics are usually the healthiest," I informed. "Why would you want unhealthy organs? They're no good."
"Sounds legit," Bukio laughed.
"I think that's all the questions for now, thanks, Bukio," I rose from my seat."See you around."
"See ya!" She smiled, as we exited the center.
"Next?" Sai asked.
"The police station," I stated. "I need to get that permit. I gotta feeling a lot of answers will come from that cave."
"Yes," Sai nodded. "It would be the perfect road to transfer the bodies without any witnesses."
I agreed.
We came around the corner, barely missing a snowball. There were some kids playing in the street, full of laughter and joy. They chased each other down as others built snowmen together. It was just like a normal picture of a snow day.
The police station was a brick building setting between two pine trees. The snowfall from last night weighed down the branches creating a canopy of white above the building. It looked pretty.
The man at the front desk wore bottle cap glasses and had red hair with shaking hands. His name tag designated him as Niko.
"Hello,"He smiled warmly. "How may I assist you today?"
"I actually need to someone about receiving a permit," I explained.
"What kind of permit?"
"Climbing permit," I pulled out the map. "To be able to climb to this cave and hike through it."
"I'm sorry, but that area is off limits due to snowfall," He pushed his glasses up. "We are not allowed to issue any permits for that trail until the crews clean the pathway."
"Do you know when that'll be?"
"I'm not for sure," He shrugged. "With the snow from last night there are several other roads and trails that need to be cleared first so maybe by next week?"
"I don't have that time," I insured him. "It is very important that I reach that cave within the next day or so."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I am not allowed to give you that permit," He stated, again. "Look, come back next week and I'll see what I can do for you. Maybe the chief will let you go with an escort."
"Fine," I sighed, giving up. "Thank you."
Angrily I exited the police station. Why couldn't he just give me an escort right then and there?
"Sakura?" Kakashi's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Sakura had some questions," Sai explained.
"Did you get answers?"
"Some not all," I shook my head.
"Let's grab something to drink and tell me about what you discovered." Kakashi smiled underneath his mask.
There was a cafe tucked beside of the outside skating rink. It was a beautiful cedar cabin adorned with a stone fireplace and large front windows. It smelled of marshmallows and pie. It was completely invigorating.
"And they wouldn't allow you to be issued a permit?" Kakashi asked, taking a sip of his hot honey tea.
"No," I answered. "Told me that I might be able to get an escort, but that it would still be a few days."
"That is strange," He commented. "Especially since they know that you are a well trained konoichi and that we wouldn't let you go alone."
"That's what I say," I threw up my hands. "They have to know who we are, I mean how wouldn't they!?"
"I know," He nodded. "It even said on Lady Tsunade's report that it was the team 7 coming."
"So what are you going to do now?" Sai asked, speaking for the first time since we had arrived at the cafe.
"I'm going to go tomorrow," I stated. "No matter what they say."
"You and Sasuke will go," Kakashi agreed, stirring his drink."Naruto, Sai, and I all have to work with the police chief tomorrow."
I nodded, "Aren't you suppose to be switching with him?"
"Oh, yes, we better go," Sai said."Excuse us, Kakashi, but we must be going. Have a nice day."
"You, too," Kakashi smiled. "Be careful tomorrow, Sakura. Keep Sasuke close to you and watch out for traps."
"Yes, sensei," I nodded. "See you later."
When we arrived back at the house Sasuke and Naruto were already there. Naruto was watching tv and texting someone while Sasuke was reading a book.
"Who are you texting?" I asked, setting in the recliner.
"Hinata," He smiled. "She got a fish."
"That's nice," I laughed. "Are you switching out with Kakashi?"
"Yeah,"He nodded. "He just text me and told me he would since Sai was switching with Sasuke."
I nodded then looked over at Sasuke. It was strange seeing him like this, all calm and relaxed. He was wearing black sweatpants and loose fitting grey thermal with the Uchiha symbol sewn onto the back of it. He set cross legged on the rug, leaning against the wall beside of the fireplace.
"Where'd you guys go?" Naruto asked. "On a date, eh?"
"Sai and I?" I laughed. "Hell no."
I noticed Sasuke glancing up at me from his book. His eyes looked more alive than ever in that moment.
"We went to ask Bukio some questions and then to the police station where I was declined a hiking permit," I explained.
"Hiking permit? For what?" Sasuke closed his book and looked at me.
"For us to go check out what I believe is a transport cave," I told him. "We're still going tomorrow, with or without the damn permit."
He nodded, "What time are we leaving?"
"Probably around 4," I decided. "So everyone is still in the bed and the trail is clear of any drifters."
"Four in the morning?" Naruto asked.
I nodded.
"Well have fun with that," He laughed. "I'll be sleeping."
"I know," I stretched my arms out. "You're good at that."
"Whatever," He stuck his tongue out. "Yo, teme, you better keep her safe. Remember what her dad said?"
"I know, Naruto," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "I would never let anything happen to her."
I starred at him and Naruto just nodded with a serious look on his face.
"Well," He got up. "I'm going to bed, been up since five. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," I grabbed the remote. "Now time to watch some television."
"Why do people like television?" Sasuke asked, setting on the couch. "Do people really enjoy staring at a moving screen for hours on end?"
"Yes," I laughed. "It's just entertaining. Sometimes it can make you sad or scared or happy, just depends in what you're watching."
"What are you watching?" He asked, stretching his legs across the ottoman. "Some cheesy chick flick?"
"No," I laughed at the way he said chick flick. "I'm watching Resident Evil."
"What's that?"
"A zombie movie,"I summed it up. "It's pretty good, I like it."
"Seems kinda bloody," He commented. "What happened to his face?"
"He's become an experiment for the government," I got up and sat next to him, trying to see the tv better. "They mutilated him."
"It just seems strange," He shrugged.
"Well, I find it very entertaining," I smiled. Leaning forward I loosened the wrap on my leg.
"What's this?" He caught my necklace by the star.
"Oh," I smiled, quickly taking it out if his hands. "It's something my dad gave me when I was little."
"It's pretty," He complimented. "Like you."
I blushed, "Thank you."
Suddenly his fingers brushed my cheek, sending shivers to my spine.
"What's wrong?" He asked, pressing his palm to my cheek. "You feel warm."
"N-nothing," I stuttered, staring at his strangely kind eyes. "I'm just exhausted. It's been a long day, that's all. I swear."
"What's suppose to be in these caves?" He pondered, pulling back his hand.
"I don't know yet, but I'm going to find out," I decided, staring straight ahead to the television.
"It's probably very dangerous since snow fell last night," He stated, putting his arm on the back of the couch.
"No more dangerous than any other cave," I laughed. "Besides this job kinda Intel's danger."
"Yeah, but your dad said not to let you get hurt," Sasuke's eyes bored into mine. "I can't let you get hurt."
"I know what my dad said," I nodded. "I'll be extra precautions, plus I'll have you there, remember?"
He nodded.
"I'm going to call my dad," I said, remembering the last time we spoke was two days ago.
I went upstairs to my room, picking up the phone I dialed the home number. He answered on the first ring almost out of breath, as if he were running to get the phone.
"Haruno residence," He stated. "Who is speaking?"
"Hey, dad," I laughed. "It's me. What's up?"
"Oh, haha," His familiar laughter ringed in my ears. "Nothing, just watching some tv and waiting on another mission to come in for me. What are you doing?"
"Watching tv with Sasuke," I accidentally added the last part. "How are things on the home front?"
"Stable," He was quiet for a moment. "Sakura, do you still like that boy? Even after all that had happened?"
I thought for a moment then said, "Would it matter what I told you? You're still not gonna like him no matter what."
"Well, of course I'm not! He left my daughter stranded in the middle of the night then tried to kill her," He mumbled. "How do you think I'm suppose to feel about him?"
"The same way I do," I mumbled. "Willing to give him a second chance."
He was very quiet for a long time. After a few minutes of silence I decided to say something.
"Look, you and mom raised me to always be open minded and forgiving," I flashback to the moment moms gentle voice had said the same words to me. "I decided to give him a second chance because I knew that's what you and mom would want me to do. He's really changed, too. I like who is now more than I liked the old him. He's friendly and kind, I couldn't ask for a better friend to be around."
"So he's just your friend?" Dad asked.
"Did you even hear anything I said?" I rolled my eyes. "He's changed, daddy, and I like him."
"So you do want to be with him?" He asked. "Look I'm not good with boys, that was always your moms department not mine."
"Then what do you think mom would say?"
"She would say," He stopped. "She would say its only right for you to give him another chance. That he's not the same man he was then and that he's learned from his mistakes. That he's become a better person now and that I should give him another start, as well."
"Yes,"I nodded with a smile. "You should."
"But it's going to be hard, Sakura, you should know that," He said, getting a strict tone to his voice. "He hurt you and I can't just forget that."
"I know," I agreed. "Just give it sometime, you'll see what I mean."
"Fine, for you," Dad finally agreed. "Only because I love you."
"I love you, too, dad," I smiled. "Thank you."
"So does this mean you like him, again?" He asked.
"I don't think I ever quit liking him," I commented. "In all honesty, I think I was just angry with him for a little bit, but I think I've forgiven him now."
"Mhm," Dad muttered. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
"Okay, but I'll let you get back to watching tv," I laughed. "I'll call you Sunday. I love you, bye."
"I love you, too, princess," Dad said. "Be careful and I'll talk to you soon."
"You, too, daddy," I smiled. "Bye."
"Bye." Then the phone went click.
I smiled and put the phone back on its stand. I slowly made my way back downstairs where Sasuke was staring intensely at the tv screen. There were mutant dogs chasing someone down an aisle.
"What's wrong with you?" I laughed at his face.
"This movie is disgusting," He snarled his nose up like something smelled bad. "Isn't there something else on?"
"Here," I handed him the remote. "Find something."
"What's that?" He asked, touching he scar on my shoulder. It was thin an about as long as my pinkie. I was surprised he could even see the thing.
"It's a scar," I said.
"From what?"
"Kurama," I stated, remembering when I received it. It was the first time Naruto ever transformed. "Before Naruto could ever control it."
"Did it hurt?" He asked, rubbing his finger across it.
"It burned," I laughed. "It was my own fault I got it. Captain Yamoto told me to not run towards him, but I did anyways."
"You're so dumb," He commented. "You could of been killed. You need to be more careful."
"I know," I looked away from him. "I jut couldn't stand to set by and let Naruto destroy himself."
"The same way you did with me?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Just promise me you'll be more careful next time," He kissed my scar, his full lips covering the entire thing. "I can't let you get hurt anymore."
"Because I care about you," He stated, matter if factly. "Do you understand?"
I nodded, watching him as he ran his finger across it again.
"We should be going to bed soon," I said. "It's getting late and we have to be up early in the morning."
"Hn," He nodded, kissing my shoulder.
I was tingling all over, feeling more alive than ever. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. We just stayed like that for a while, cuddled up together on the couch. It was better than I ever expected and I never wanted I move. I curled my feet up onto the couch as he pulled me in between his legs. I laid my head on his chest and laid his head on top if mine. His arms were hanging loosely around me as I snuggled into his chest.
"Goodnight," He mumbled.
"Goodnight," I grasped his shirt as he pulled the blanket down from the back if the couch and wrapped it around us. "What if someone sees us lying like this?"
"Who cares?" He mumbled, sleepily. "I could care less if the hokage herself saw us."
"Hm," I took a deep breath, taking in his scent of minty goodness. "Okay."
I fell asleep curled up into a ball on his chest. It was probably the best sleep I had ever had in my entire life.

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