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"We have some news!" Taehyung announces excitedly.

"What, you're finally going to admit that you're in love with me?" Sky says in a mocking tone.

"Uh no.." he says and she frowns and flips her hair back.

"It's fine. I love (y/n) more than anyone anyway." Sky says and (y/n) laughs from above me.

I was currently leaning my head on her leg and since she didn't stop me, I didn't move.

"Then what is it?" (Y/n) asks, clearly growing impatient.

"We're going on tour in a week." Taehyung says and Sky frowns.

"That's all? I thought you were gonna say something cool." she says then looks around.

"I'm kidding." she reassures.

"How long is the tour?" (Y/n) asks while resting her hand on my chest.

I wanted to grab her hand but I decided it was best not to.

"3 months I think." Jin says and Namjoon confirms it.

"Make sure you guys Skype us like everyday." Sky says and Taehyung nods.

"Of course." he says with a huge smile.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." (y/n) says and there's a sadness in her voice.

"We'll miss you guys too but when we get back we can have a lot of fun!" Taehyung says and the girls both happily agree.

Exactly one week from now I'd be leaving (y/n) for three months..

I didn't like to think about it being thinking about it meant I'd have to feel the pain and sadness that came along with it.

A phone ringing knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Again?" Sky asks taking (y/n)'s phone from her hands.

"What?" I ask becoming curious.

"Grayson keeps texting her." Sky says with very clear annoyance in her voice and showing on her face.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to go back to him. I've learned from my mistakes." (y/n) says reassuringly and I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

"So like, what's up with you two? Are you like a thing now?" Sky asks looking down at (y/n) and I.

My face heats at that.

"No not yet." I say and (y/n) laughs at my words.

"So then what's going on?" Sky asks and I feel (y/n) shrug.

"Have you even made a move!?" Sky asks and I remember the kiss.

"We kissed." (y/n) says beating me to it.

Everyone's eyes widen including mine.

"Seriously? Who kissed who?" Sky asks but (y/n) only laughs.

"That's none of your business." she says and Sky pouts.

"Okay but like, was it good?" She asks and my face burns at the question as I anxiously await her answer.

"Not sure. Too much was going on in the moment." she says.

"Then kiss again, right now." Sky says and my eyes widen.

"In your dreams." (y/n) says and a couple of the guys laugh.

"Way to go! Our Maknae is finally growing up!" Jimin teases and the girls laugh along with the guys.

Laugh all you want but soon enough I'll finally have the girl of my dreams and when the time comes it'll be the best day of my life.

THE MAKNAE'S FIRST LOVE || JK✔️Where stories live. Discover now