"Ash I don't how to tell him I don't even know what I am any more I mean I know I'm a Vampire and all but how do I explain all this I just Can't its impossible My parents don't even know and you are the only one who knows Ash I can't blow this "
Axels POV
"I wonder if she has changed Chase I mean she might still be the same person I wouldn't know We haven't spoken in ages a lot to catch up on in many ways should I tell ness about her because well Ness is my girlfriend after all it would be fair after all"
"Axel calm down your worring over a stupid girl you and Vanessa will be fine and you and ......"
"Peyton?? "
"Peyton will be fine just calm own and call her" chase says
"Chase hold that thought Vanessa is calling"
V-HEYYYYY Babe I miss you and need to see your Handsome face i miss you so much how about you come round and we will have some fun.....
A- yeah that would be fun be round soon Baby girl i can't wait to see you xx
"later axel I will see you tomorrow at school "
(peyton and ashley moved to axels school and axels moved into town further)
Peytons POV
"Im so nervous being at this new school ash but I'm glad you're here with me agh......I wonder if this is axels school because I saw his name in a couple pictures and stuff ... wait do you have your timetable because i have drama , history , social sciences ,interval,psychology,geometry,english,lunch,dance and you"
"Pey we have very similar time tables we are not together for period 2,3 and 7 but i will miss u so much but hey it doesn't matter because we live together and when are you going to turn me
"one day ash one day when i know what i can do to the best of my ability and i wish people knew what a bedroom was thats disgusting lets walk to room 702 ash"
Axels POV
"Nice to see you to baby girl i just saw someone i think i might know and don't miss me to much while I'm gone (kisses vanessa on lips)"RUNNING TO CATCH UP WITH MYSTERY PERSON TAPS PERSON ON BACK GIRL TURNS
"Hi you must be the new girls well I'm Axel and I'm am at your services actually I'm just head boy and captain of the football team and you guys are..."
"Heyyyyy I'm Ashley and this is my extremely quiet friend who you can't see her face right now this is Peyton. She is really shy and are we that obvious to you Al..Axel we are looking for room 70..2 pey {NODS} yep thats we we are heading would you mind showing us there please kind sir"
"I shall and its this way.does she actually talk I mean she hasn't looked up at all is there a problem??
"nope sh..just first day nerves and she can talk and she has actually looked at you but she is very sneaky aye pey"
alrighty we should get going thanks axel have a nice day and we will see you around"
Peytons POV
"REAllY Ashley Veronica Breaker and that was my childhood friend and yes I'm mad at you right now i could of answered"
"hi Axel im Peyton we have actually known each other since we were 4 and then lost touch and now me and my amazing friend stalk you on every single social media source you have.That would be a great way to meet someone Pey"
"yeah i see your point and probably would of freaked out a little I'm sorry ash really {BRRRRRIIIIINNNGGGGG} we should get to class"
Axels POV
"Bro I can't stop thinking about her theres something different about her and I don't know I feel like I've seen her before but I don't know"
Peytons POV
"hey ash WERES THE ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!"
HEY GUYS!!!! hope you enjoyed the chapter comment what should happen next and don't forget to vote and ashleys and peyote's outfits will be on the side please enjoy and byeeeee
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