Part 5

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hello sorry i haven't uploaded in a while I've been quite busy lately with a lot of stuff so i hope you enjoy this part

Peytons Pov

"why does everyone stare at you ash when we walk down the hall and stuff it gets really annoying"

"Pey they not staring at me they are staring at you because there is a hot guy staring at you  maybe the hottest boy in the school that isn't axel but he is with axel"

"how but look at me. 

"hey I'm Nate and you must be ...".

"Peyton and sin... doesn't matter so can i help you because you are standing there staring at me so" 

"You me date ill pick you up at 8 and heres my number"

"I'll see you then"

"Warning  Peyton he doesn't do relationships unless he really likes something then he will get  good luck"

"Thanks for the info but i don't need it Pain-in-the-essa so you just back off and run along to your boytoy and cry because i don't like you so toodles."

Ashley and peyton walk off with a bunch of people staring and boys winking

"per that was incredible i see you've got your confidence back any way we got to get to class other wise we'll be late and the teacher hates when people are late"

"True lets get going before were late its that way then we turn right down the hall and left into the 2nd class on the side"


"Oh can't wait to get home I'm so tired oh look theres Nate pey he is coming this way"

"Hey hot stuff see you tonight"

"ASH!!! Nate just winked at me he must be like an french model or something because he's HOT!!!!!!!  you have to help me get ready for our date tonight not to much but not to little and no fur.

So i hoped you enjoyed the chapter sorry if it makes no sense please tell me in the comments and tell me what i should do next. next chapter will be date so i will try upload a chapter monday,wednesday,fridays so i hope thats alright and please vote and comment

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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