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Chase's P.O.V.

"You gave me what ?"I asked freaked out. I immediately sat up. Bree and Adam tried to push me back down but I just shoved their hands away. "Chase please, you need to lie down. Everything's going to..."Mr. Davenport started but I cut him off. "No, everything is not going to be alright"I said. No one said anything. "What am I going to do with these powers ? What am I going to tell my family ? Or my sister ? How am I going to look at her in the eyes and tell her that I'm fine every time she asks me ?"I said furiously. Still silence. Then Bree decided to speak. "Chase there's something else we need to tell you"she said. I turned to look at her. "What is it Bree ? How can my life become worse ?"I asked. "You can't go back to your family"Adam said. I turned to look at him in shock. "What ?"I said but it came out as a whisper. "You can't go back. It's too dangerous. You don't know how to use your bionics. If you go out there you might hurt someone or expose the bionic secret. You need to stay here and train. We can teach you how to use them so you can go on missions with Adam and Bree. You're going to be a hero. You're..."I cut Mr. Davenport off again. 

"I don't want to be a hero. I want to be the normal person I was before"I said. I could feel the hot tears on my cheeks but I didn't care. My whole life was just taken from me. Just because I wasn't careful while crossing the road. Just because I decided to leave school earlier. Just because I wanted to know what Bree was hiding from me. "Can you leave me alone ?"I asked. No one said anything. They just walked slowly out of the lab. Then I broke. My cheeks were full with tears and I couldn't stop it. I cried thinking that my life as I knew it was over. I continued crying not knowing if I'd ever stop.

Amanda's P.O.V.

The bell rang. That was my last period. I was finally going to go home with Chase. As I was about to get out of the classroom Mr . Smith called me. "Is there anything wrong Mr. Smith ?"I asked. "No, I just wanted you to give these papers to Chase. It's his homework"he said. "Why didn't you give them to him before ?"I asked as I took the papers. "He didn't come to class. Actually he didn't go to any of his classes today. If it was any other student I'd think he ditched school but knowing Chase I thought he was just sick"he told me. "Mr. Smith, Chase isn't sick. We came together this morning"I said worried. "Well then I don't know where he is"he said. I just thanked him and got out of the classroom. Ok Amanda. You need to stay calm. Maybe he wasn't feeling well and went back home. But he'd send me a message so I wouldn't be worried. In the end I decided to call him. He didn't answer. Ok now I got really worried. I got out of the school and ran home.

 When I got in I saw my mum and dad on the table talking. When they saw me they smiled. "Hey honey how was your day?"my mum asked me. "Good until now"I replied. Their smiles fell. "What's wrong ? And where's Chase ?"dad asked. "That's the problem"I said. Then I explained to them what happened. They immediately called the school to ask if someone saw Chase but no one did. Then my parents called the police. They explained to them what happened and they told us to give them a picture of my brother. I couldn't stand this anymore. I ran to my room and locked the door. Then I sat on the floor and hugged my knees. I started crying. What happened to my brother ?Is he ok ?Is he even alive ?All these questions were running in my head. I just stayed there crying not wanting to ever stop.

Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated for a long time. So what do you think about this chapter ?I know it wasn't the best but I wanted to show you a little drama here. So what do you think will happen next ?See you next time. BYE!!!

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