Chap1- Gain Attention

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"Oh my god! This can't be true. They're informing the students about the examinations only ten days before? They should've given the date sheet at least twenty days earlier. They can't play around with our future like that," I muttered to myself as I scanned the date sheet. I was really disappointed with our school principal.

Exams are something that can destroy a student's happy life.

I walked through the hallway cursing our school system when suddenly

I bumped into a guy. My books fell down. I somehow managed to pick them up off the ground. I stood up, dusted myself off but my jaw dropped when I realized who I bumped into.

"Are you out of your mind?" Jack screamed. My eyes met his burning red eyes.

"I'm so so sorry," I stuttered, "from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. I was thinking of something so I didn't notice you. I'm really sorry."

I was so scared of him that I lost control over myself, and kept apologizing over and over, not giving him a chance to speak.

"You idiot, first you walk in the hallway without paying attention and now you're not letting me speak, you insane freak!" he shouted at me. All the students were now gathered around to see what was happening.

"I said I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" I began, but he interrupted me.

"I know exactly what type of girl you are. First you pretend to not pay attention to where you were going, and then you bump into a guy who you have a crush on like many other girls on this campus do. All you want is to get attention from the most popular guy and then fake an apology. You think by doing so he'll hate you at first, then after sometime this hatred will turn into love and so on. Ahh, so filmy! You're such a fucking creepy jerk. Just...just get out of my way. MOVE!" Jack ranted then pushed me back.

"Oh my gosh, Stella," Luna's, my best friend, eyes opened wide, spitting out the coffee in her mouth, "You hit him. You hit THE JACK HOLMES, the most popular guy, the captain of our school football team, MR. ATTITUDE!" I put my finger on her lips in an attempt to shush her.

"Oh please, Luna, it was an accident. I was walking in the corridor and then suddenly he came out of nowhere and we just...we just BUMPED," I explained, taking a bite of my cheese sandwich before continuing, "I was tensed, you know. My parents expect a lot from me. They want me to be the only one with the 'best achievement award' trophy this year. I was just worried when I saw the date sheet, there are only ten days left for the final examinations and I'm still not prepared for them. I'm worried."

"Whoa whoa whoa! relax, Stella. You don't need to explain yourself too much. It was just an accident. You didn't do that on purpose, I believe you," she said, putting her hands on mine.

"I know Luna, but he thinks I did that purposely just to gain his attention and all!" I sighed.

"Ignore him, sweetheart; let him think whatever he wants. You just focus on your studies," Luna smiled.

"Well, I think you're right. I don't want this stupid incident to distract my mind," I nodded, agreeing with her

" Exactly, now miss nerd, let's get going to our chemistry class or else Ms. Gracy won't spare us. Only five minutes are left for the class to start! Come on girl, let's hurry up," Luna stated, we collected our books from the table and started heading towards our class. I was on my way when I realized that I left my chemistry book on the table where we both were sitting during the recess.

"Hey, Luna, I'll be back in a few minutes," I said, running towards the canteen

"What?" she yelled.

"I'll come back in a bit, you go sit in class," I shouted back.

"Stella, just be there before Ms. Gracy does," Luna instructed, I nodded in reply.

Once I got my books back, I heard some noises. Someone was laughing behind my back; I turned around to see who it was. I noticed it was a squad of four girls. I didn't know their names but they were our school football team's cheerleaders.

"Oh God, just look at her; she look so dumb!" One of them said, I assumed she was the leader of that gang. "Look at her glasses; the frame is so old fashioned. Her clothes are so cheap and her hair is so greasy, and she thinks she can get Jack's attention, my Jack's attention," she continued and the other girls chuckled.

"What do you even mean by that?" I said, defending myself.

"Oh, sweetheart, please don't try to act innocent; you know what I mean. Just stop dreaming about Jack; he's mine, and you don't have a chance with him so stop it with all of this nonsense. You won't get any more of his attention. You're a girl with poor looks, no friends and no experience with guys. How could you even imagine that he'll give you any of his attention? Loser," she replied.

I shook my head and tried to ignore what this girl just said and walked towards my class. I was hurt, I was crying, but I tried to pretend that I was fine when I got to class.


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