|Chapter 3: Theories|

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Reader-chans P.O.V
I wake up to a giant lick on the face. It was like someone just dragged sandpaper across my cheek.
'W-wha?' I say half asleep. I wake up fully to be face to face with Tomi.
'Tomi! What the f-!'
'Sorry master! I'm so sorry, master! Go on hurt me! Punish me master!' Tomi shouts getting of my and jumping onto the floor.
I sit up and rub my eyes (or put on glasses if you have them).
'Why would I hurt you?' I say scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.
'Because I was bad?' He said more as a question.
I lazily get out of bed and rub Tomi's head.
I realise as I walk out the door that I don't smell food as I usually do. I walk downstairs to check if Toshi is cooking anything.
Once I'm downstairs I see that Toshi is gone. I look around the house to check if he's hiding but nothing seems to be there.
Looking around the kitchen I discover a note left on the kitchen counter.

Dear, Master.
I am sorry if I scared you, but I left to attend a surprise for you.
I shall not tell you the surprise, because it's a surprise.
I will be back as soon as the surprise is ready.
I luv you master~ <3
P.s don't eat any food ;Ð
P.p.s Dress up like your going to dinner

After reading the note, I giggled. It was really sweet for Toshi to make me a surprise, especially when Tomi came. Plus, because he basically gave away where wear going.
Maybe I misjudged him about being a selfish cat.
Tomi hugs me from behind suddenly. He silently reads the note, more anger goes into his expression.
Tomi grabs the note and rips it up. He runs to the window, about to drop the shredded prices out. I rush after him.
'Tomi!' I try to grab the pieces, but it's too late. My hand outside the window still.
'What the heck Tomi!?' I shout at the Inu. He has the exact same expression as Toshi did when I mentioned homework.
Once I realise he won't answer I groan.
'Fine then, don't answer. I'm getting ready for my surprise.' I say and run upstairs.
What's gotten into him?
Tomi's P.O.V
How dare that brat not follow my orders!
I'll kill him and everyone she's close too.
I sit down on the couch and wait for master to come down again.
About 20 minutes pass and I hear Master come down.
She is wearing a beautiful black skirt with a white shirt, a black leather jacket, black tights and black heals.
She looks gorgeous. Only if she looked gorgeous for me. I would sweep her off her feet and go straight to the bedroom, If you know what I mean.
'Okay Tomi, this will be the last time I see you until around 6:00.' She says to me.
'What?! Why?!' I shout getting up from the couch.
'Because I'm going to go straight to work after the meal.' She says getting her black bag on her.
I run over to her and giving her a hug. She seems startled because she barely balanced herself.
Mmm her boobs feel so nice in this hug
She lets go of the hug and kisses my forehead.
We look into each other's eyes. I wish we could stay like this forever. But then-
'Hi, master!' Toshi says coming in through the door.
Master slightly lets go and walks over to Toshi.
I immediately felt like an arrow just hit me in the heart.
'Let's go now master!' Toshi said, rushing Master outside.
'Okay! I'll see you later Tomi! Be good!' Master shouts quickly before Toshi grabs her outside and closes the door.
I growl at that Pussy-Bitch!
Now I need to make a surprise for master...
Oh! I know!
Reader-chans P.O.V
~Time skip cuz I'm too lazy :3~
It was after the dinner. The dinner was nice, even if he brought me to a fish shop, it was nice.
'Then I said, "Trust me I would know if this was your fish".' Toshi says finishing his joke.
We both giggle as we walk to my work cafè.
We make it outside of the cafè. Toshi pulls me into a hug.
'I'm gonna miss yew.' He says cutely into my collarbone.
'Me too, Toshi. Me too.' I say rubbing his back. He purrs as I do so.
I let go and pat his head.
'I'll see you at six. Okay?' I ask Toshi as I stand outside the door.
'Okie.' He says.
'Goodbye!' I shout before running in, not wanting to be late.
'Bye.' Toshi says sadly.
Meanwhile in Tomi's universe
'Aaaaand. Finished!' Tomi says putting up the last picture he drew of Master and him together.
'I hope she'll like them.' Tomi says hoping.
Suddenly a doorbell rings. Tomi rushes over to it thinking its master.
Tomi open the door with a closed eye smile.
'Hello master-!' Tomi say but quickly stops seeing it's Toshi.
'What are you doing here.' Tomi says bluntly.
'I'm back from my date~' Toshi coos at me.
'Shut up!' Tomi says shutting the door again.
Tomi steps away from the door but hears a noise coming from the window across the living room.
Tomi turns around and sees Toshi going trough the gap in the window in cat form.
He transforms back and Tomi runs to him, knocking him over.
'HOW DARE YOU NOT FOLLOW MY ORDERS!' Tomi shouts at Toshi on top of him.
'I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR ORDERS! I LOVE MASTER AND SHE'S MINE!' Toshi shouts as his shirt it being ripped of how hard Tomi's grabbing onto it.
Tomi gets up.
'Go get changed. I don't want your pathetic shirt to be ripped when master gets here.' Tomi says darkly.
'Why not? It's just another way master can see my abs.' Toshi says smirking.
Tomi growls loudly.
Toshi just response with a simple 'Tch'. Toshi goes upstairs to change as Tomi draws more pictures of master and him.
And back to reader-chans universe
'Get back to work!' The manger shouts slapping me on my but.
I wake up with a jolt as the soreness hits me. Yes, I was sleeping on the job. But who wouldn't when there's barley anybody walking in.
I get back to washing the dishes until I hear a the bell over the door ring.
I rush out to the counter with a smile. I see her sitting on the stool in front of the counter.
'What would you like today, miss?' I say to the girl.
She has bouncy white hair with blood red eyes and pale white skin to fit her rosy lips.
She thinks for a moment, putting her finger on her lip.
'A latté please.' She says. I nod my head and walk to the back to make her latté.
After I make the latté and give it to her she sups on it.
'Delicious!' She shouts in approval.
I giggle and thank her. I clean the counter as she drinks her latté. She takes a few more sips before she starts to talk.
'You know, I heard there's nekos are around here.' She says taking another sip out of her latté.
I turn my head towards her.
'What do you mean?' I ask her trying not to fiddle.
'You know what a Neko is right?' She asks.
I nod my head.
'Well, I have this theory that nekos are trying to take over the world. I think this because their meant to be one of the most smartest creatures alive. Your probably wondering why they haven't finished yet, but another theory I made is that to repopulate the earth they need a human girl. 'Cause I seen in a movie once that Nekos can't have babies with other Nekos. So their looking for their new soulmate.' She says darkly but still has her bubbly tone.
I stand their in shock. How does she know so much? Has she encountered a Neko before? What if some of what she said is true?
She takes one last swing of her coffee.
'But it's just a theory.' She says and leaves, leaving me in utter shock.
What just happened?

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