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I sat on the edge of my bed as a pretty nurse shined a flashlight in my eyes. After a minute of this, she pursed her lips and asked, "What happened?"

"I-I... I was going to kill... kill... them." I sputtered. "I was just swinging the swords- as fast as I could, and- and," I paused. What had happened? Everything seems so blurry now. It was as if I was drunk (not that I'd know what that feels like.) I remember a weird silver glow, and flashes of steel... and the determination of wanting to kill them. I saw an.... An eye. Just kidding. LOTR moment. But I did see a throne. On the throne, there was a man. He was wearing robes like ours, but black. He reached his hand out to me. "Join me, Act." He said. Then every thing faded to black. "Act!" I blinked. They had been talking to me the whole time.
"Uhhh. What?" I asked irritably. "I just want to go to bed." I said.
"Act," the nurse said. "We need to know what happened." She smiled. "I'll get you some ice cream after."
"I don't want ice cream. I want chimichangas."
She frowned, thoroughly confused. "All right." she said. "But first, what happened?" She asked again.
I told her everything, excluding how Farseer helped us. I didn't want her to get in trouble. When I finished she motioned for Blue to come over. "Can we get some chimichangas, Simon, please?" She asked. But I wasn't listening. Simon. Blue was walking away when I said, "Wait!... Simon? What the nuggets dude? IT WAS YOU THE WHOLE TIME?!!??! I SWEAR TO FLIPPING GRADLE, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I ranted on for a few minutes before another familiar voice said "Act!" I looked up and saw someone I didn't expect: Dre. She was wearing Farseers clothes. "Ummm, Dre?"
"Yes, Act?"  She said.
"Why are you wearing clothes?" I immediately face palmed. "I mean-"
"Act, I get it." She said. "And yes, I am Farseer." I at this point, was super confused.
"Does this mean that I can't kill Simon?" I asked.
I sat up feeling much better. "So what did I do?" I asked. "The guy mentioned something about 'weaving a steel'. What is that?" Dre nodded and said: "I don't really know. I just know that it's a form of combat magic. Which you'll learn about in your Magicks 101 class. Basically it's an adrenaline rush with sharp things." She finished. I nodded, even more confused than I was before.
"Hey," I said. "Does this mean that, the other guy is Will?" I asked.
Simon, who had returned from his chimichanga quest, said, "Indeed-io, where is that little ninja?" Dre looked up and said: "He disappeared. Again." She sighed and looked back to me. "Simon keeps disappearing." She stated a-matter-a-factly. I got up and grabbed a chimichanga. I took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. "Seems, ligit." I hopped onto my bed and turned on the television. Dre sat down on the weight set like she was gonna do some reps. She would have sat down on a stool, but for some reason, a sombrero was on it. Don't ask why. Just accept it. I finally addressed the burning question in the front of my brain. "So, how long have you guys been here? And why were you guys not telling me who you were? I mean, not cool, guys." They looked at each other and nodded. Simon looked at me and said. "Ya see, me Dre, and Will, we're prodigies. The school normally starts this year, but the grabbed us when we were in like, third grade to do basic martial arts and some sword and gun stuff. We just did them at night,  and lived our normal lives during the day." Somehow, I think it was magic, we never got tired." He finished.
"Why wasn't I picked?" I asked jealously.
Dre answered. "Cuz, you and Mike hadn't moved here yet. Will and Simon got picked because they're friends, I got picked because I'm what they call a 'Backliner'. It's a term from the old war. People with gifts would go to the back line, or where ever they would be most effective." I nodded.
"What's your gift? I asked.
She looked at me. "A lot of people say it's fortune telling, but... I have dreams. They show me possible outcomes of the future."

"Oh." I sat there watching the television. Simon sat there twiddling his thumbs.  Literally.

Two months later.

I watched as Mike attempted to weave a steel. Turns out, as expected, that Mile was much more proficient at firearm combat magic than I was, as the reverse was true with swords. Weaving a steel was like a basic combat attack. The firearm version was known as marking rage. Basically, those who were able to become ninja were able to channel their focus into the weapon, empowering it to move faster and be stouter. So far, Mike had failed every time trying to weave a steel. I had never been able to mark rage. Mike failed again. I ran up and punched him the face. He had his mask on, so no real damage was done, but that was part of our deal. Every time one of us failed, we would punch each other in the face. Every time Dre saw us, she would face palm and sigh. 

Most of my classes went well, but I truly excelled in sword fighting. I was practically unbeatable when it came down to the fastest on the swing. Master Blade was even giving me extra lessons. Simon was giving me a few pointers on basic magic. Potions, tracking bullets etc.

Will finally showed up and told us that he had had some "private business" to attend to. Simon, Mike, and I proceeded to tease him relentlessly about his "private business".
I also got a letter from my parents. They told me that they were (and I quote) "Soooooooo proud of me that they could almost forgive me for painting the school." Which I didn't do. It was actually Simon. He confessed soon after I almost became a murderer. I immediately almost became a murder again. I still can't get the nerve up to talk to Dre though. Still scared of girls I guess. I gotta ask Simon for help. Wait. I never supposed to ask Simon for help. Ever.

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