Control yourself Harry..

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Harry didn't go back to the Gryffindor common room, "Accio Firebolt!" He cast the spell, it's just a matter of seconds before his broomstick came. Harry walked toward the Quidditch field, a cold breeze embraced his body , he want to clear his mind and it's the only way he could think about, flying.

He removed his dress robes leaving the white sleeve and slacks, he also untie the necktie and opened a few button of his sleeve. He smiled to himself, Quidditch was the only thing in this world that could remove his stress.

He mounted his broom and kicked off the ground as he flew higher.. 10feet.. 20 feet.. 30feet above, the wind was blowing his face. He laughed and shout releasing all the feelings that he's keeping for a long time.

"Whooo!! I knew it! Malfoy you're a death eater you arsehole! I'll prove it! Do you hear me?! I will prove it!!" He screamed then laughed weakly. He's now 50 feet above the ground, he felt a heavy stone just got out from his chest. Then suddenly a jolt of realization brushed him.

"Hermione! Oh crap I left her in the party." Harry cursed brushing his fingers in his jet black messy hair. He maneuver the broomstick then dive downward as fast as he could. Slowly the cloud are vanishing from his sight.. As he go nearer he spotted a piece of pink dress, it's Hermione standing on one of the bleachers, hands on her hips and eyes are narrowing at him.

He did a perfect landing right beside Hermione. "Hey.." He said scratching the back of his head .

"Oh hey? Very nice of you Harry. I can't believe you can be such a gentlemen." She said sarcastically.

"I-I'm sorry mione, I just forgot--" Hermione pushed his face away.

"Don't. Call. Me. Mione! I know you're doing that when I'm starting to get irritated at you. And to tell you the truth Harry Potter, it doesn't affect me anymore." She said crossing her hands on her chest.

"Not anymore? So it affects you before? Hmm.." Harry smirked as he put down his broom and stretched his legs.

"Oh shut up!" Hermione stared at the pitch black field and embrace herself.

"Pst.. Here, cover this to your shoulder." Harry said giving her his dressrobe.

"Thank you so much Mr. Gentleman." She rolled her eyes then put the robes on his body. She sniffed it carefully checking if Harry was looking. It smells like spearmint as usual with his perfume that has a so manly scent, it mixed on his sweat. The smell of it almost drove her crazy.

"Wanna take a ride?" She was taken aback as her eyes grew wider.

"Are you insane? Of course I don't want to." She spat.

"Oh yes you do." Harry grabbed his broom and mount it once more, "hurry up Hermione." He said grinning from ear to ear.

"Are you deaf?! I said I won't---- Aaaaahhhhhhh!!" Hermione screamed when Harry grabbed her waist and pulled her to the broom, she sat at the broomstick just behind him. "Harry Potter bring me down now!!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs but it's too late because they're already floating 10 feet above the ground.

"There's no turning back mione. Better hold tightly, you don't want to spend your holiday at the hospital wing, do you?" He smirked once more and then flew higher. Hermione never stop screaming, her hands are clutching Harrys waist, she's shivering and very nervous.

"Ha-Harry I'm scared.. I-I really hate heights.." Her voice were shaking.

"Just hold tightly Hermione, I won't let you fall. Don't be shy to hug me.. I don't bite you know." Harry said in more sympathetic tone.

Hermione breath deeply, she tried to calm herself as she embraced Harrys' torso, his body was so warm despite of the breeze thats brushing them. It's very comfortable, she lean her head at Harrys back squeezing his body and pressing it to her like a pillow.

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