Chapter 8: Confused

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On our way home a black muscle car pulls and I immediately go Into protective mode , car rolls down its windows and guess who pops out of it Ian.
"Ladies wanna ride" he says sounding so enthusiastic
"I thought I said goodbye Ian meaning bye don't wanna see your face till Monday bye" I sound so rude sometimes
"PSHT Jessie wanna ride home its kinda cold out here?" Really! He just bluntly ignores what I just said like I'm not even here. Jerk!
"Sure we'd love a ride" is she out of her mind! I'm not getting in . First: I don't trust myself around this guy even though jess is her , Second: his a total dick he kisses me and says don't tel anybody like really! So Hell No he can go fuck himself
"Harmony stop your shit and get in the fucking car please I'm tired" she says obviously pisssd of at my stubbornness but I don't care I'm not getting in
"That wasn't hard now was it"
Okay so I guess I didn't win but I'm still annoyed as fuck am taken away from my thoughts when Jessie and ian start conversing about random shit till we reach Jessie's place
"While this is my stop ... thanks ian and baby babe " she says while kissing my cheek
"Bye sweetie see you tomorrow ... oh.. and remember at the mall by twelve" I shout while we drive away

"Take another right then just head straight and the first house on ur left is it" instructing him while he looks out the window quickly then gazing back on the road. Then stops at the red light and turns his gaze at me
"What!?" He doesn't say anything just stares at me
"What (I say while laughing) the lights are green" he takes a look then back to me and moves the car again
"Get your eyes on the road or we gonna get a accident" I say while staring at him and he stares back then starts speeding up still staring at me and passes cars like he can see what his doing but in fact he can't his still staring at me with those big ocean blue eyes locked in with mine and I can't help myself and touch his cheek and start caressing it with my thumb it feels it literally feels like there's no one else on earth but us . I stare into his eyes and he stares back everything else falls back

We suddenly stop then I came back to planet earth realising what I do I quickly remove my hand and make my way out the car when he gets a hold of my wrist
"Nothing , bye harmony" and just like that he speeds of 'How did he do that' he wasn't even looking at the road and yet he managed to get me home safe and sound maybe his just that skilled but anyway I can't afford to let this happen not now not ever again I have to put my defensive walls up we can't afford to repeat the same mistakes again but enough about that let me go inside and get something to eat then off to bed. I get the key from the fake plant and open the door and to my surprise (not) my mom isn't home nor is my brother Mason while I guess its just me again
'Let me get something to eat' I mummer to myself as I make my way to the kitchen , I decide to eat a sandwich which consists of Becon , chicken patty , lettuce and some fired toast and a glass of coke I take my sandwich and coke and make my way to my room where I switch on the T.V and sit back, eat and relax

Once I'm done with the sandwich I feel myself falling asleep so I quickly go downstairs and lock the doors and close all the windows and make my way back to my room where I drift off to a peace full sleep
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