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When I'd made it halfway to town, the silent tears had finally stopped sliding down Audrey's cheeks, and I put on my sunglasses to hide any redness that was left framing my newly baby-blue eyes. It was too beautiful a day, I decided, to be sad, especially when I wasn't supposed to have Nicole's problems anymore. I was a new person, someone without consequences or responsibilities or any troubles at all.

I passed Aroma Mocha, the scent of coffee beans and pastries tempting me to step inside, but knew that I couldn't. Thinking about Noah was impossible right now, and regardless of the initial reason for my transformations, I knew the only reason I was doing it now was to escape.

The heels of my wedges pounded against the pavement, making a rhythm that somehow soothed me. I smoothed down my hair and strutted a little as I passed a few shops. Before long, I was passing the front of my favorite shop: a classic yet somewhat expensive store that sold high-end yet adorable clothes.

My fingers automatically went to my purse, and I slipped my hand inside to find my wallet. What could destroy my family more than it already was in the first place, anyway?

The bell jingled when I stepped inside, inhaling the floral scent and listening as my favorite pop song blasted on the radio. A petite blonde salesgirl greeted me from behind the counter, and I acknowledged her with a small smile before I began perusing the racks. I didn't let myself think of anything other than selecting objects of clothing that I liked--I didn't even let myself look at the price tags. All I kept doing was telling myself that I'd just try them on, that I wouldn't let myself but much...but even as I thought it, I knew that wasn't true. Mom wouldn't care, anyway.

Soon I had a heavy stack of clothes in my arms, and I made my way to the back of the store and the familiar dressing rooms. As I closed the curtains around me and slipped out of my shorts, I focused on the music and the clothes...not Noah, not my father, not even the fact that Nicole's life was falling apart and all I could do was run away.

I stepped out of my dressing room again and again, examining myself in various outfits in the mirror and twirling in slow circles. Audrey looked good in soft pastels, colors that Nicole would have never been able to get away with. I fluttered my baby-blue eyelashes carefully in the mirror and admired the way my long blonde hair contrasted with a sleeveless black top.

"That looks really good on you."

I turned around and instinctively clutched the extra shirt I was holding to my chest. Three girls were standing in front of me, all of them watching me appraisingly--I had no idea how long they'd been there or even that they'd been in the store at all. Two of them had dark hair and one of them was blonde--the one who'd spoken. She was smiling at me cheerfully, and I suddenly realized that I knew her from school.

A greeting was almost out of my mouth before I realized I wasn't supposed to know her name. "Hi," I said, slowly lowering the shirt and then adjusting the strapless top. The girls were standing in a triangle, with the blonde--Chloe--in the front. I hadn't really spoken to her before; she was usually in the center of the crowd making some joke that would make all of the seniors laugh. I was usually the one in the middle of the circle, laughing along but without a definite purpose.

"I'm Chloe." She stepped forward and brushed her long blonde hair out of her face. Her eyes were a cold grey color, but they were filled with kindness. "That shirt is seriously cute. You should totally buy it."

I rubbed the shirt between my index finger and thumb and studied her. Behind her, the dark-haired girls--Jazmin and Ariana, I thought--were also smiling. "Thanks," I said warily. "I'm Audrey."

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