Chapter 5.

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When I wake the light is seeping through the drapes and makes the room a pale yellow color. I turn off my lamp, which I forgot to turn off last night and then slide out of bed. I walk over to my suitcase and lay it out on the floor in front of me, I open it and rummage through it for my house coat and my fuzzy slippers that my aunt gave to before I left.

I really miss my Aunt, her name is actually Sherri, I remember exactly how mom called her name, the way her mouth moved, her accent rolling the "E"s differently, though to me it sounded weird to call her Sherri. To me she is Aunt.

I wonder if Ella is okay. She is so shy, and people would always make fun of her for being so small. I remember one time I got mad at a little boy who called her stupid all the time, he moved away before the end of preschool though, so I won't have to worry about him. She's starting kindergarten soon and I promised her that I would help her pick her outfit out. I guess I'll have to get up early and Skype or Face time her.

I pull the box of Tetley Tea Bags of the counter, I pull the kettle sitting on the stove off the stovetop and I fill it with water from the tap. I place it down on the stove top and turn the dial to HIGH, then walk over to a chair at the island and sit down.

Pulling out my phone I see that I have one missed call from my aunt and one text from Reagan.

I decide to open the text from Reagan because I don't have the energy to go over all the details about the apartment and everything with my Aunt at this moment. I open the text from Reagan and read it.

"Hey I'll pick you up at 1:00. What's your room number?"

She sent the text at 12:00 and its 1:30 now... I guess we're not going anymore?

I set my phone down on the island counter and to waste time until the water is boiled I walk towards my room.

I lie down on my bed looking at the ceiling until I hear the whistle of the kettle. I quickly slide off my bed and rush into the kitchen. I always remember my mum saying not to leave the kettle whistling too long; back when she was alive we would often spend Sundays drinking tea and reading our favorite books. I grab one of the plastic wrapped mugs from off the counter and pour the steaming hot water into the mug. The steam hitting my face soothes me.

I pull a tea bag out of the box of tea I had previously set on the counter. It's Orange Pekoe, my absolute favorite kind of tea; the kind me and mum used to drink. I realize I didn't buy sugar but luckily there are sugar packets on the counter, I also pull the milk carton out of the fridge and pour some into my tea, then add two sugar packets. I like it sweet.

I take a sip of my tea and I can feel the sweet, warm liquid sliding down my throat and settling into the bottom of my stomach. I sit down at the island and I look across my apartment into my bedroom and scan the room; the piece of paper on my bed side table catches my eye and I remember that I need to call that Cafe and ask about the job opening.

I set my tea down on the island counter and then scamper across the floor to my bedroom, I grab the little crumpled piece of paper off my bedside table and I quickly dial the number into my phone, I go over what I'm going to say while the phone rings.

"Hello this is Café Grande my name is Miya how may I help you?" The girl on the other side of the phone says cheerily.

"Hi, my name is Addison and I saw a flyer for an open job at the café. I was wondering if it was still open." I say. I wonder if it would still be open, quite a few of the pieces of paper were already torn off...

"Yeah it's still open. There is an opening this afternoon for an interview, if u can make it then?"

Would I be able to make a resume in time? I would want it to be perfect, maybe they have an opening tomorrow.

"You don't need a resume, just bring yourself." she answers my thoughts, giggling .

"Ya I think that would be okay. What time exactly?" I ask.

"At 3:30 but be here a half an hour early, just in case the boss gets out of his meeting early."

"OK sounds good. I'll see you then. Miya?" I think that's her name

"Yeah. I look forward to seeing you then, Bye!" she says nicely, then hangs up.

I was supposed to unpack today but I guess that idea has disappeared, I better go get ready for my unexpected interview.

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