Night Life

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Not mine! This is from truepotterhead394 on tumblr.

Hermione's Point Of View.

I wasn't suposed to be out of bed, I knew that. Students caught wandering the halls late at night were practically guareenteed a detention if Filch were to find you. Before everything that had happened I would of been to worried of getting a bad reputation I would have stayed in bed for the whole evening but tonight I felt the need to move, see the castle in the dim light of the moon. I hoped that it would take away the memories of today.


A new girl walked into our class, apparently a transfer from a privating wizarding school. After McGonagall had introduced her into the class she came and took a seat next to me. At first I didn't pay to much attention to her but as I saw from the corner of my eye her pushing her silk like hair behind her ear I had to take a look. Much to my suprise, she was beautiful. Compleatly stunning. Her hair was covering the most part of her face as she looked down at the page in front of her. Although to others her body wouldn't be perfect to me every curve, no matter how small or how large was placed perfectly on her, the way she was sitting making each curve more evident beneth her robes. Her eyes shone as the smile from her plump lips reaching up and filling her breathtaking orbs.

Her apperance, attractive as it was, was not what drew me into her. It was the fact that the smile on her lips was caused by the words on the page before her, the ones her finger was gently running under as she read. People don't smile when they read often but when they do it was because they were enjoying it. It was evident that she enjoyed to learn, enjoyed finding out new things, enhancing her inteligent. Her inteligent that was vast as it was; McGonagall asked the class a question that even I didn't know but her hair was up strait away and her voice clear and confident as she delivered the correct answer. There are two sides to a person; the physical and the mental. Its not often that you find someone who was striving in both aspects. As the class and the school day came to an end, the inevitable happened. Malfoy walked over to the new girl, an animalistic look in his eyes.
"Y/N Y/L/N, wasn't it?" She nodded her response, packing away the books on her desk. I would have left by now but I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't harass her or upset her. "I know your last name." "My family is one of the first wizarding families, much like yours," she replied the confidence from earlier still in her voice. "Pure blood then?" He grinned getting closer. My heart stopped. Prehaps I had been wrong about her, maybe she wasn't going to have a nice mental side to her. Maybe she was going to be like Malfoy or suck up to him seeing as he too was a pure blood. I watched as a perplexed expression crossed her face, "Well yes but I don't see why that is important," her voice didn't faulter once, keeping cool and calm though it was obvious she wanted to say more then what she had just said. McGonagall said her goodbyes to us, leaving Malfoy, his fools, Y/N, and myself in the class.

"Its important because it means we can be friends," he said holding out his hand to her. "I see your in Slytherin." She looked down at his hand as if it were a forign object. When she didn't return the guesture, Malfoys smirk faded and he pulled it away. He sent me a dirty look before saying, "At least unlike the mudblood, Granger you were meant for this wo-" Before he could finish, Y/N had him pinned to the floor anger clouding her hues. Malfoys mates quickly left, leaving Malfoy behind with her onto of him. I wasn't quite sure what to do, mostly because I wasn't quite sure what she was going to do to him. She let out a primal growl as she spoke,

"What. Did. You. Call. Her?" "A mudblood," Draco said proudly although I could hear the panic in his voice. "Dont you dare call her that!" "Oh, I see your a blood traitor too," he said trying to push her off but she was going no where. "Just like the Weasleys. You might as well be a mudblood yourself. Shame, us pure bloods should stick togethe-" A swift punch landed on the corner of his jaw, making me jump at the cracking sound that could possibly been his nose. "I'd much rather be a blood traitor then a pure-blood dick like yourself. And I am not in Slytherin because I come from an original blood line, I'm in Slytherin because I am cunning and do what I have to to get what I want." She spat at him, "and about being your friend... nobody fucking wants too because they know your just a twat with big headed views. I doubt any of your so called friends like you much anyway... probably just in it for the fame and fortune." With that she got up from him, taking her bag and turning to me. "Hermione right?" "Yes," I replied, still astonished she had stood up for me after only just meeting me. "I'd like to say sorry," she smiled weakly. "You shouldn't have to deal with shit like that just because your not born into it." She smiled once more before turning, extending her hand to Malfoy and lifting him to his feet. Her eyes bore into his when she said, "I am a blood traitor but at least unlike your family mine didn't lie about following you-know-who to save their asses." She headed towards the door, turning back only once to say, "apologise. Or the next punch will be a lot harder." And with that she was gone.

End of flash back

had never met someone (aside from Harry) who was so willing to stick up for someone after not even talking to them. I didn't see her at dinner that night, not through lack of looking. The only thing I did find was an apologetic/fearful look radiating off Malfoy which made me smile. I told the boys about it and they both smiled, suggesting that prehaps Y/N could be more then just my friend, making me blush.

Quietly stepping around a corner, her on my mind I saw a small silhouette coming round the corner towards me, looking as if they had just come from the Slytherin common room. I hid against the wall, fearing that the outline could be Filch or worse Malfoy or one of his goones. As the shadowy figure came to a stop, looking out the window I realised that it was not someone to fear. Really, she was quite the oppersite.

"Y/N," I said in barely a whisper, walking over to where she was leaning up against the archway of the window. Hearing me she turned her head slightly, a gentle smile playing on her lips. Her eyes guestered for me to join her so I did, never taking my eyes off of her. Turning back towards the outside, her eyes moved, dancing as she looked at the stars in the sky. Standing in the light of the moon, everything about her became more breathtaking then when I had first seen her.

"Your'e staring," she giggled at he, her eyes meeting mine. Normally in theses situations I would shy away, avoid her gaze but her warm Y/E/C eyes seemed to draw me in, force me to keep looking.

"I wanted to say thanks, by the way. I'm not used to having people stick up for me like that," I said, trying not to stutter as her watch remained on me. She simply smiled at me, making my heart beat faster then it already was. "I saw you didn't come to dinner. I hope you didn't get into too much trouble for it."

"I didn't. I just wanted to see the school when it wasn't full of loud teenageers," she grinned, her eyes now looking back up to the stars. I could help but notice the fact that her hair was still as smooth it had been when I first saw, telling me she had yet to sleep. Before I could question if she was okay she spoke, "The school is even more beautiful at night wouldn't you agree." Of course I agreed but that was mostly because I was here with her. I nodded a response to her. Looking back at me again, "But I think its only beautiful if your here." Her confidence seemed to waver as she said this, as if she I didn't want to hear what she had said. I smiled, deciding that I should tell her that I liked her. I wasn't quite sure what to do so I choose the only way I could express my feelings.

Slowly I leant forward, allowing my lips to press against hers. Her response was instant, suprising me as her lips moved in sync with mine. My heart beat sounded in my ears, the thumping of my heart increasing as she pulled be closer, her hands reaching for my hips. I wove my fingers into her hair, one hand resting at the base of her skull allowing me to deepen the kiss. When we had to pull back, we both sighed. A smirk was on her lips when I finally opened my eyes.

"What?" I smiled at her.

"I was just thinking that if I hadnt stuck up for you that wouldn't of happened. I would of missed out on something wonderful," I giggled at her comment. With a peck to my lips she pulled out the embrass, "you should probably get some sleep. Tomorrow is saturday and I'm taking you on a date to Hogsmead. I don't want you to be tired." She smiled, walking back in the direction of her dorm. Brifly turning she said, "I'll meet you at 10." Her figure disappered around the corner leaving me in the light of the moon, a blush and smile on my face as I walked back to my own dorm.

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