How to deal with stess.

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Not mine! This is from fictional-writ3r on tumblr.

It was a sunny, vibrant morning at Hogwarts. Every room in the castle had a sense of stress and insomnia about it. It was exam season and every student was completely overwhelmed by the workload and limited time. One of a few students that was stressed out due to exams but knew practically more than anyone, was indeed, Hermione Granger, your girlfriend. Hermione still looked prim and proper at every interval, although her skin was becoming dull and lifeless, as if she was a zombie, studying and drinking coffee too much. Hermione's unruly orange and blonde hair covered her whole visage, making it harder for you to see her beautiful yet gentle face. Her eyes burrowed into the text in front of her in the library. Her eyebrows scowled indicating a difficulty to understand a concept.

You walked over to her, admiring her strong concentration and glowing beauty. Hermione didn't notice you standing right next to her, so the obvious thing to do is to close her book shut. You did as you intended and received an irritated glare from Hermione. As she was looking at you, she noticed that you had a wide-spread smile on your face.

"I still have to study the whole book- exams are in just a month!" Hermione exclaimed, attempting to gain understanding from you. On the contrary, however, she continued to receive the biggest smile you have ever managed to produce. You closed her flask of parchment ink, put it in her bag along with her feather pen and textbooks. It was time for the star student to do some relaxing.

"Hey, (y/n)! You can't do that; I haven't finished!" Hermione began to throw her arms into the air, trying to desperately catch the levitating bag into her grasp.

You looked over at the precious little gem standing in front of you, pleading for you to give her the books back. As a result you tried to calm the Gryffindor Prefect by leaning down close to her ear and blowing soft air onto her neck. This always caused a sense of arousal in Hermione as she believed in intimate affection that was subtle at the same time.

"We'll do some activities to help you de-stress. Snape said that de-stressing is vital in getting good grades and I wouldn't want to argue with him." you purred into Hermione's ear that was accessorized by a pair of glistening diamond stud earrings. Oh she was so innocent and angelic. No one assumed that Hermione Granger, star student and responsible Prefect, would be a lesbian that enjoyed a lot of foreplay and steamy nights. No one even knew that you and Hermione were a thing, except for her parents and your own parents. Both families seemed accepting of your shared love for each other, but they didn't need to know about what you did during the term at night.

Hermione smiled shyly as your hot breath smoothed over her soft skin worthy of admiration. Instantaneously, you took hold of Hermione's bag in one hand and her small palm in the other. You began to lead her away from the library table where she was previously studying at for four hours straight. Her dedication and hard work needed to be rewarded with just a bit of relaxation. You will deliver this relaxation to her as soon as you reach the (y/h) common room.

As you two paced down the enormous hallways crowded with students of all ages, you could sense Hermione getting increasingly more anxious about you two holding hands. What if people saw you? As an automatic response to your girlfriend's unease you squeezed her hand lightly to let her know that it's okay. Faces passed by without a single eye looking at either of you. Clearly, everyone was in an exam trance which, to be honest, you should be in as well as you didn't study half as much as Hermione did. Your constant Quidditch practices that Harry was scheduling were to blame. These practices weren't necessary but Harry felt that the team had to prepare for the upcoming games in the near future.


At last- the two of you have reached the (y/h) common room. No one really seemed to care that you two stormed in and headed straight for your dorm room; it looked more like the pair of you were going for some further study materials. Carelessly, you dropped Hermione's extremely heavy bag onto the distressed wooden floor right next to your bed. Hermione sat down onto the cushy bed that was covered in a bed set designed in the (y/h) traditional colours, as well as a personal touch of your own- your silky cream-coloured blanket that you brought in your trunk from home. A good blanket could never go wrong; well, maybe in the blazing summer nights it wasn't as needed as in the icy winters.

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