C Rank... or more?

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The Next Day!
(Akira POV)

I had the same dream today. 'I should probably ask gramps about it.' I get out of bed, do my morning routine and sneak out the door. When I arrive at the Hokage's office I knock lightly and hear a muffled 'come in'.

(Third Hokage POV)

Akira told me about her dream, 'can she really see the future?' I think. 'She is a prodigy after all...' "Gramps," I hear her soft voice. I look up to see her looking at the ground. "Could that mean that... Sasuke is going to leave?" She asks me. "I don't know Akira, I don't know. " I reply.

*Time skip!*
(Akira POV)

We did a bunch of D rank missions and they we're really easy, well not for Naruto. Every time he figured out how to screw everything up. We finally finished and we we're heading back to the Hokage office. When we arrived, Kakashi knocked on the door and we heard a muffled 'come in'. When we all got in, Gramps started telling us, "So, for your next mission, we have babysitting,-" "No!!!" Naruto shouts. "I want a real mission, not these chores!!!" I sign as Iruka-sensei scolds him.

"With all due respect Gramps, I think we deserve a better mission. I mean we are the first team to ever pass Kakashi's Survival exercise." I say calmly. He signs and thinks for a second. "Fine, I'll give you a C rank mission, happy?" We all cheer! "You will be escorting someone," Gramps tells us. "Who, who? Is it a princess? A feudal lord? Who is it!!" Naruto asks getting excited. "Bring him in." The Hokage orders. The door opens and a guy who's smoking comes through. "He's such an old hag!" I whisper to Naruto and he covers his mouth trying not to laugh.

"What, a bunch of snotnosed kids?!" He exclaims. "And what's with the short one, how am I supposed to know that you're a ninja?!" "Haha who's the short one?" Naruto asks laughing. We all get in line. Sasuke is the tallest, then me, then Sakura, then Naruto. I teleport I front of the guy holding a kunai to his neck while activating my Sharingan.

"Don't underestimate a shinobi. Naruto may look like a trouble maker but he has lots of potential." I say as I back away. He just had a look of shock clear on his face. "My name is Tazuna. I expect you all to protect me with your lives." He introduce. 'This is a C ranked mission, why would he say that?' I think confused. I see Kakashi has the same look on his face.

*Time skip!*

We got to the gates of the village and Naruto got really excited. "This is my first time out of the village dattebayo, I'm a traveler now, believe it!" He exclaims. "Tazuna-san, you're from the land of waves right?" Sakura asks. "Yeah what of it!" He says irritated. "Say Kakashi-sensei, are there any-" I zone out again. 'Itachi-nii, i miss you.' Was all i could think. That's when i felt someone staring at me. I turned to see Naruto staring at me. He quickly looks away blushing. "S-sorry Akira-chan, you looked really deep in thought." He says still looking away. 'What was that all about?' I think.

(Naruto POV)

'She looks soo beautiful! Wait what?' I shake my head as i look back at Akira-chan. She looks so deep in thought. Her beautiful raven hair is flying with the wind and her stunning onyx eyes are staring blankly at the ground. She looks up at me and i quickly look away blushing. "S-sorry Akira-chan, you looked really deep in thought." I say, still looking away to hide my blush. "Oh, okay Naruto-kun." She replies and goes back to thinking. I blush even more from the -kun that she added. I quickly shake my head. 'If Sasuke figured out that i felt this way about his sister he would kill me!' I think. I go back to looking straight but i can't help stealing some glances at Akira-chan.

*Time skip!*
(Akira POV)

We've been walking for a while now, and i see a puddle. It hasn't rained in weeks. I look a Kakashi and he nods to me telling me just to wait. I pout and jump into the puddle. "Akira-chan, i didn't know you were the childish kind!" Sakura tells me. I shrug and continue walking. I sense chakra and out of nowhere i see chains come out and 'kill' Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei!!!" Naruto and Sakura shout for their Sensei. I just sign. "Substitution Jutsu," I whisper. I run infront of team 7 and do handsigns. "Fire style, Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I yell out jumping into the air. The two ninja nearly dodge all of my fireballs. Me and Sasuke both start fighting them off when one of them cut Naruto. Oh yeah and Sakura was being useful and was protecting Tazuna while Naruto was standing there frozen in fear after seeing Kakashi get 'killed' by the ninja.
After a bit, Kakashi appeared and trapped the ninja.

(Kakashi POV)

"Fire Style, Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Akira shouts jumping into the air. 'She reminds me so much of Obito." I think. Akira and Sasuke both fight them off with amazing teamwork until Naruto gets cut. After a bit i come back in and trap the ninja. "Hey guys," i say. Akira sweatdrops. "Yeah, thanks for scaring Naruto half to death." She says rolling her eyes. "Hehe sorry about that, I could've beaten them easy but I needed to know who they were after." I respond.

"Kakashi-sensei, i think we should go back, Naruto was poisoned." Sakura says worried. Naruto stabs his hand, "Why me? Why am i always so different? Upon this cut, i pledge to protect Tazuna with my life!" Naruto says with pride. "That was cool and all but if you lose more blood, you'll die." I say calmly as he starts to freak out.

"I CAN'T DIE!! I'M TOO YOUNG!!!" He exclaims frantically waving his arms around. "Thanks a lot Kakashi, that made things so much better!" Akira mumbles sarcastically. She walks up to Naruto. "Give me your hand so i can heal it Naruto." She says. He doesn't listen. She signs and does something totally unexpected. She grabs Narutos hand as her lips smash into his and he shuts up. All of our eyes widen especially Sasukes.

She separates her lips from his and walks away as if nothing happened. "Done," She says walking away. Naruto blushes a deep red as Sasuke glares at him. We all quickly get over our shock and we continue talking.


Sorry it took so long to update, i had a bit of writers block but I'm all good now!
How was it?
Catch ya later!

Best Friends... Or More? (NarutoxOC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora