Boba Fett (Drabble)

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((A/N)): sooo I don't write for Boba anymore, but this was a drabble that I actually kind of liked. Here it is, after a little bit of tweaking.


You were in the refresher, getting ready for bed, on a planet that was foreign to you. You had no idea where Boba had gone. His job had brought the two of you there, to some corner of the galaxy where apparently, only scum with hits on them congregated. He came in and out of the apartment as he pleased, always checking on you and letting you know if he was going to leave the planet. You finished in the 'fresher and headed for the single room you shared. You were about to walk in when you spotted something lying on the floor, stretched out and still. You carefully tiptoed to the lights and flicked them on, then screamed. The thing lying on the floor was a dead body.

It was something you should be used to, tailing one of the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy. But this body was mutilated beyond recognition, and it wasn't human. Some alien species. It appearing unexpected, too, only heightened the shock.

"BOBA FETT!" you screamed, assuming he was around to hear. "WHY IS THERE A DEAD BODY ON THE KRIFFING FLOOR?!?!" You heard Boba walk in and stand beside you.

"Oh, that?" he asked. "He's the bounty. I'll take him to Jabba later".

"Why did you leave it in our room?" you demanded, eyeing the bloody heap of alien staining the rug.

"There was no where else to put it".

You rolled your eyes and bumped his shoulder with yours as you passed him.

"You are so lucky I love you".

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