Luke Skywalker (3)

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((A/N)): As you can see, I have a thing for ROTJ!Luke. What a hottie. Anyway, request from octupleH , also, from years ago, and that's me finishing the last of the requests! Check the author's note at the very beginning of this story if you'd like to submit :)


"Relax", Luke breathes, squeezing your bicep . "You're all tense. Let go".

Your eyes are shut, but there's still a look of frustration on your face. You scrunch your nose up adorably.

Reminiscent of his own training on Dagobah, Luke has you sitting criss-cross on the ground. Stones big and small are floating in the air around you. To any onlookers, this may have been impressive, but you were struggling to keep your focus on the rocks you had in the air when it wanted to wander to every single one in the dirt around you.

"You're tense again", Luke prompted gently. "Just-"

"Dammit!" you shouted, breaking your concentration. The stones fell to the earth around you as you fumed.

Luke sighed.

He was a gentle teacher, sweet and kind and patient, and you could feel his empathy, but it only served to make you angrier. You didn't want his empathy, you wanted him to teach you how to get this right.

"It's okay, Y/N, you can take a break-"

"No", you growled.

Even you couldn't understand why you were so upset. It happened mostly during training sessions like these, the ones that focused on meditation and required extreme concentration. You knew it wasn't a big deal. But you still couldn't control the feeling of self-disappointment and with it, the urge to lash out at anything and everything.

Luke knew you struggled with emotional control. Hell, he didn't think you even comprehended some of your own emotions. Still, he knew the dangers of letting your feelings go unchecked. He cared for you deeply, and hated to think of what would happen if you turned.

He had hope, though. You were both young. Whatever he could teach you, he would. You would learn together.

But for now, you needed a break.

"Y/N, nobody is perfect", he said, touching your forearm lightly with his gloved hand. "It takes time to master the Force".

"Why does it feel like there's not enough time?" you said quietly.

He understood where you came from.

Fighting an intergalactic war for the past five years with no thought of what would come afterwards had spilled into what had, actually, come afterwards. The feeling of being on the run constantly hadn't left Luke alone yet.

"We take it one day at a time", he reminded you. "There's always tomorrow".

"You always say that!" you snarled. You stood up, not bothering to wipe the dirt from your clothes. "Listen Luke, I know you have hope, but it's not working for me. Maybe you should let go of that hope".

With that, you turned and left the clearing.


That was a year ago.

Luke had spent the past year watching you struggle with your emotions. He happily noted that you had, actually, been making progress, but you still had a long way to go, and you pushed him away whenever he tried to help.

He found you by the lake, sitting on a rock, biting your lower lip as you weighed your choices.

Blue, or green?

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