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Hadiths and Quotes: Part 1

Here are a few hadith and quotes that i have collected and will post it in parts insha Allah.  

I have learned a lot from these and hope that Allah guides you and me both and that we all learn and appreciate and follow, this beautiful religion, which we were blessed with Alhamdu lillah he rabbil a'alameen. Ameen

"Razzhitu Billahi Rabban wabil Islami Dinan wabi Muhammadin (SAW) Nabiyyan wa Rasulan"  

(I am pleased/content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my Religion and with Muhammad (SAW) as the Prophet and Messenger of Allah)

1. [ Sahih Bukhari 6040 ] 

The Prophet pbuh said that when Allah loves someone, He says to Gabriel " i love that person you should love him too" Gabriel starts loveing him. Then Gabriel announces in the heaven that Allah loves that person you should love him too, so all the Angels start loving him. And then people on the earth also start loving that person.

2. [ Sahih Bukhari Vol 8 Book 82 Number 798 ] 

The Prophet pbuh has said.  

" Seven people will be shaded by Allah by His shade on the day of Judgement when there will be no shade except His shade. 

i. A just ruler. 

ii. A young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah. 

iii. A man who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes are then flooded with tears. 

iv. A man whose heart is attached to the mosques ( offers his compulsory congregation prayers in the mosque)  

v. Two men who love each other for Allahs sake. 

vi. A man who is called by a charming lady of noble birth to commit illegal sexual intercourse with her and he says i am afraid of Allah. 

vii. A man who gives in charity so secretly that his left hand doesn't know what his right hand has given.

3. If you are right there is no need to get angry. And if you are wrong you dont have any right to get angry.

4. When we repair our relationship with Allah, Allah will repair everything else.

5. When satan reminds you of your past. You remind him of his future.

6. When you speak to Allah, dont be embarrassed to tell Him anything. The most beautiful thing is that He already knows what you are about to tell Him, yet He still listens.

7. Do you know that 1400 years ago someone loved you? You weren't even born yet he cried for you, asking Allah for your forgiveness. He wanted nothing less than Heaven for you. He had wives, children, friends and family, who adored him, but it was your name he kept repeating " ya Ummati ya Ummati" ( my people, my people). 

Definition of true love, our Nabi Mohammed Sallallahu  

Alayhi wasallam.

8. Allah has perfect timing, never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith. 

But its worth the wait.

9. Whenever you are alone, remind yourself that Allah has sent everybody away so that, its only you and Him.

10. Some people have died while listening to songs 

Some while reciting the Qur'an. 

Some died in a cinema which caught fire. 

While others faced Malik ul Maut ( Angel of Death) in a stampede during Haj. 

Different people  

Different actions 

Different ways of dieing.

" A person dies the way he lives and will be resurrected the way he dies."

How will you face death??

Lets Wake up before we Never Wake up.

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