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27. Allah is Al-Baseer The All-Seeing

And God sees all that is in the hearts of His servants.
Al ‘Imran 3:15


1. People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

2. When my heart was hardened, and my courses constrained; I made my hope a stairway to Your forgiveness. My sins burdened me heavily, but when I measured it by Your forgiveness, Lord, Your forgiveness was the greater.

3. Whoever directs someone to something good, then he will have a reward equal to the doer of the action ~Prophet Mohammad pbuh

4. I think one of the most beautiful things in life is when you sit down and make genuine du’a to Allah (swt), and you can literally feel your heart finding ease. It’s like the mountains of worries in your heart suddenly crumble- and you feel Allah personally taking your worries and saying “Whoever puts his trust in Allah; He will be enough for him.” (65:3)

5. My Lord, remove from my heart the love of everything that You do not love. Ameen

6. O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for God is with those who patiently persevere. [ AL-QURAN - 2:153 ]

7. When talking to Allah, Although He never replied back to me through words, I swear I could feel my heart fill up with love.

8. Remember that no matter how deep a pit you may fall into, no matter how dark it gets, Allah will show you the light and make a way out for you.

9. Walk patiently through this troubled world and you will find great treasure. Even though your house may be small, look within it.

10. Do not be saddened when this world caves in on you, for it may be that God wants to hear your calling to Him.

11. Man knows he is weak, yet how strange that he continues to disobey the One Who is strongest of all.

12. Some people are so poor all they have is money.

13. That tranquil moment you have between you and your Lord.

14. The pearls that left his eyes rolled down his face for you and I. From his lips could be heard: "Allah forgive my Ummah."

Ya RasulAllah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam (Prophet Mohammad pbuh)

15. The Messenger of Allah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam said:

"No one can be given a better and more abundant gift than patience."


16. When you fear the creation, you feel repelled by it and run away from it, but when you fear the Creator, you feel close to Him and run towards Him.

17. Life is all about tests. May Allah Almighty make us stronger and give us steadfastness upon Iman. Ameen.

18. Rich or poor, destination is the same..

19. O Allah, whoever had a mother that passed away, have mercy on her, and whoever has a mother that is sick, heal her sickness, and whoever has a mother in a good health protect her with Your love. Ameen.

20. When someone shows you their heart, their past, their wounds, they have entrusted you with the deepest part of themselves. It is the part of themselves that makes them uniquely beautiful. To be trusted in this way is a great honor. Guard that trust with your life.

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