The Prince of the Night

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Jacks POV

I walked around, hiding from any humans in case I was caught. I had my burgundy red hood, so it would do. I walked to my cove, the place I go to relax and talk to the animals. I finally get to the entrance.

" Excuse me?" A voice behind me spoke.

I jumped and looked back at the figure. He was a human. That and he was from that Royal family up the North River. He had black hair, wavy and clean.  He wore a fancy outfit, giving out he was royalty.

" What you you want?" I scrowled. 

" Who are you?" the man asked.

" Have you never heard of me, seriously?" I laughed. " I am the heir to the Vampire throne. I am Jack. Prince Jack to be exact." I said, proudly.

The man bowed. " Pleasure to meet you then, your majesty. I am Prince Mark, heir to the Fischbach throne of Youtupia. I am dearly sorry if I bothered you, I got lost again with my horse." Mark said, as he raised back up.

I gestured a smile. " No bother at all, Prince Mar-"

"Just call me Mark, sorry to interrupt." He smiled nervously.

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