{:Chapter 3:}

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One week later

I walk through the hallways and started heading towards the lunchroom.

I notice Spiros and Mystic taking to the people in their little group of friends. I quickly walk past them when I hear one of them do a cat call.

I hear Spiros yell at his friend. I blush a bit and pull my hat over my face. I walk into the lunchroom and sit down next to Raven and her friends.

Raven looks over at me "You okay Cosmos?" She asks and I quickly look up and look over at her "Yea I'm fine!" Raven nods her head and looks over at her friend Tana. I let out a sigh.

I see Spiros walk over to me "Hey, sorry about him," he says to me. I go quiet "You okay?" He asks. Still silence.

Spiros lets out a sigh "See you later then," he says and walks away. I lay my head on the table. I soon heard a familiar voice behind me "Hey Raven what's up, oh hey Tana!" He says. Raven answers back with a 'Hey'.

"Oh hey Mystic! Long time no see!" Tana says. I hear Mystic chuckle. I roll my eyes and keep my head on the table.

I hear a soft whisper in my ear. It wasn't Mystics voice. I jump and sit up straight almost falling out of my chair. Raven, Tana, and Mystic look at me.

I wrap my hands around my head and set my elbows on the table. I stare at the table when I feel someone's hand set on my back. I stay still.

"Why so jumpy? Is something up?" Raven asks. I shake my head. Raven sighs as I relax a little. I shake my head and look up. I notice Mystic standing behind me.

Mystic takes his hand off my back and puts it in his pocket. I blush a bit but I quickly hide it. I put my hands over my face.

"I'm gonna go.." I mutter. I stand up and walk away from the table. I feel someone grab my wrist and I quickly turn my head. It was Mystic.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.
Mystic locks eyes with me and we stayed that way for a few seconds. He shakes his head and lets go of my wrist.

"Later Cosmos.."


I walk into my house and let out a big sigh. I set my bag on the ground and push it out of the way. I walk into the living room and throw myself on the couch.

I slump down and grab the remote. I turn on the tv and watch whatever was on it. I heard a knock at the door. I next hear my moms footsteps walk over to the door.

She opens the door then yells over to me "Cos! There is someone here for you!" I roll my eyes and yell back "Just let them in!" I hear my mom talking to the person for a bit longer. Then I heard more footsteps coming towards me.

The sound of footsteps stopped. I felt a warm presence next to me "Jesus you look like a depressed monkey," I look up and over. It was Mystic.

(A/N: Got the depressed monkey thing from a friend :D)

"What the hell do you want now?!" I half yell at him. Mystic looks at the ground then back at me "Just came to see if you were okay.." I roll my eyes and look away from Mystic. I hear Mystic sigh "I guess I'm not welcomed here, Ill go ahead and go," he says and turns around. "Good," I say and look back at the tv.

The next thing I knew was that their was a body falling onto me. My eyes go wide as I look at Mystic. Mystic blushes a bit and I do the same. We locked eyes again for what seemed like forever.

"Sorry.." I hear Mystic mumble. He rolls off of me and stands back up. He had his back to me. I stayed laying down and I looked over at Mystic, still blushing a bit "See you tomorrow Cosmos.." He says and walks over to the door.

Once Mystic left I went straight up to my room. I started pacing again. I was mentally thinking to myself.

'Does Mystic like me? No, that can't be it.. Maybe he just tripped.. No! There is nothing to trip over. Was he pushed? He couldn't of been pushed.. There was no one else in the house. What other ways? Maybe he did it on purpose because he's a big pervert! No.. The way he reacted was not a perverted reaction.. Ugh! My brain is going to explode!

I fall face first onto my bed. I let out an annoyed groan. I sigh "I don't want to go to school anymore, can summer just be here already," I mutter to myself.

"Cosmos get ready for bed!" My mom yells from downstairs. I sigh and pull myself off my bed and walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I hop in and think to myself 'This is going to be a long week..'

And with that I got ready for bed. I only had a few more months before everything happened. This could be the end of humanity or the end of this city with no survivors. Who's know. But the main thing to do is survive. And I'm going to be damn sure that I'll survive.

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