Chapter Three - Why The Fudgeballs?

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CHAPTER THREE - Why The Fudgeballs?

Ella just sat there, her mouth hanging open. This wasn’t happening. How could she have been so näive?

Of course, it was her, so of course, it had to happen.

Jack smiled at her, and cruised right over to the desk she was sitting at.

“So,” he said, plopping down into the chair next to her. “Come here often?”

She simply looked at him in disbelief.

“You so did not just use that line.”

“Oh, but I did, little Ellie.”

“Don’t call me that. My name is Ella, and I’m not that short.”

“I beg to differ,” he spoke, raising his eyebrows. “You’re short compared to myself, and I think that Ellie is a cute nickname.”

Ella blushed.

“Don’t call me that!”

“Whatever, Ellie. Ellieeeeeee, Ellllllllllie, ELLLLLLIEEEEEE!”

“Mr Groom and Miss Winters, are you quite done there, or is your intriguing conversation still more important than the lesson on hand?”

Ella sent a glare at Jack, who simply looked amused.

“Yes, of course we are miss.”

Ms Ellersmere simply sent them a warning look, and went back to teaching the algebra that was currently on the board.

“Okay, so if A = 6, and B = 19, what is…”

Ella leaned over to Jack.

“That is all your fault! I’m so annoyed with you!”

“Your so-called rage amuses me, Ellie. You’re like a kitten trying to be tiger.”

Ella fumed. She snapped back to her seat and desperately tried to concentrate. But her mind was cluttered with the anger, Jack’s smug facial expressions, and the stupid algebra which was making no sense to her whatsoever.

Screw it. Ella was going to work at McDonalds.

45 minutes, half a dozen nudges from Jack, several notes from Jack, a couple of kicks from Jack, and a lot of ignoring Jack later, the class was over.

She grabbed her gear and sped out the door, Jack hot on her tails.

“Come on, Ellie, we just got a little telling off. Nothing major, I’ve been in so much more trouble than that!”

Ella turned and sent a foul look his way.

“It could have been put on my record! You have no idea what that could lead to with my stepmother! And for god’s sake, STOP CALLING ME ELLIE.”

She stormed off, Ella didn’t have time for this kind of stupidity, and she needed to get to her next class.

But suddenly a hand on her arm stopped her, spinning around so that she was forced to face them. She felt an electrifying heat course through her at their touch, and her face started to heat up.

“Ellie,” Jack spoke softly. “I know you say you have no time, but what do you mean by your stepmother could do something?”

“I really have to go -”

“I’ll let you go if you promise to have lunch with me.”

“I can’t be late for class -”

“Just promise Ella.”

He called her Ella.


She finally tore her arm from his grasp, and turned and walked away, not looking back.


The lessons couldn’t have gone faster. You know that saying, time flies when you’re having fun? Well, it seems like time flies whenever, because Ella certainly wasn’t having fun torturing herself over what she was going to say to Jack. At least Brigid was going to be there.

As soon as the bell rang for lunch, every student in the class fled out the door, except Ella. Ella dawdled, taking her sweet time.

Walking out the door, she thought idly, maybe I should just give lunch a miss…

That was until someone looped their arm through hers, and said brightly, “Well, what a coincidence!”

Of course he was here, she thought dryly. Of course he just knew her classroom and of course he was waiting for her, and not letting her escape.

They walked to the cafeteria in comfortable silence, their arms still intertwined. Oddly, Ella found herself quite liking the position she was in.

Other than the fact that she only had one hand to try and stop her brown locks blowing all over her face.

When they arrived, Ella disentangled her arm from his, and walked over to her usual table she shared with Brigid. Brigid was already there and munching on her wrap.

“Hurry up Ella, why did you take so long? Go grab some food before there’s nothing decent left!”

Ella smiled and nodded, rushing over to the canteen area and grabbing a small bowl of macaroni cheese.

Finally, she came back and settled herself down at the table. She waited for Brigid to initiate conversation, as was per normal, but all she got was an open mouth and wide eyes. But the wide eyes weren’t at her.

Ella sighed.

“Brigid, Jack. Jack, Brigid.”

Jack smiled widely at Brigid.

“Hi, nice to meet you.”

Brigid seemed to be in shock.

“Hi Ja-ack. Excu-use me for a mo-oment, I ne-ed to have a wo-ord with Ell-la.”

Brigid practically yanked Ella’s head over to her side of the table.

“Ella, why the fudgeballs is fudgeballing hot guy sitting at our fudgeballing table?!” she whispered furiously.

Ella rolled her eyes.

“He’s not that good looking.”

“Ella, are you fudgeballing kidding me? Are you fudgeballing blind?”

“Stop with the fudgeballs!” Ella said, stealing a glance at Jack.  Well, he wasn’t to bad looking, she had to admit. Okay, she was messing with herself. He was like god’s gift to women hot. But in no way would she ever admit to that.


“Shhhh. I just know him from work. I had no idea he came to this school until today. And now we have to look less suspicious, like we weren’t just talking about him!”

She snapped back to her seat and flashed Jack a very non suspicious smile, which he returned.

“Talking about me were we? Don’t worry, I get all the time,” Jack said, smirking.

Damn him.

A/N so i already posted this, but wattpad deleted and put it as a separate story so... idek what's going on.

sarah x

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