Chapter 11

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Authors Note: I know all the pictures I used are not the same but bare with me. Try to imagine as if it were Amara and Kason in real life.

When Amara and I had got back from our honeymoon a few days ago Sam called me wanting to meet up. I tried to push it back but he said it was urgent and that we needed to meet up soon. As much as I didn't want to leave Amara to unpack alone, she convinced me to go. "My favorite boxer." Sam said looking up from his phone when I sat across from him at his desk.

"What's so important that you called me away from my wife?"

"I know, I'm sorry but some shit has hit the fan. Have you checked any of your social media accounts lately?"

"You know I haven't. Amara and I had our phones off the majority of our honeymoon and have been in our own little world since we got back. Between packing, training and Amara's doctor appointments I haven't had time to relax. Or look at whatever bullshit some reporter has posted about me. Amara had to force me to even come to this meeting."

"Congrats on the new house by the way. I'll have to get you two a house warming gift. But I'm asking because your ex is trending."

"What did she do?"

"She's claiming that you're not the father of Amara's babies and that your marriage is fake." He pulled out his phone and showed me what Melina had posted a few days ago. It was of a picture we had taken when we first met at a photoshoot.

 It was of a picture we had taken when we first met at a photoshoot

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@melinaluvsu I gave this man my everything. I was the perfect girlfriend and he treated me like I was nothing. I wanted to meet this "friend" you told me not to worry about. I put my all into our relationship and you leave me the minute she tells you she's "pregnant" with your baby then marry her. You wouldn't even take me on a real date yet this "friend" gets a destination wedding. Seems like someone's hiding something. There is no way she's having your babies or for your "marriage" to be legit. We hadn't even broken up yet and I found out you got her pregnant and proposed to her. ON SOCIAL MEDIA! You couldn't come to me like a man and tell me the truth. I deserve the truth and I'm not afraid to expose your lies. #luvhurts

"I'm not going to worry about it. The people that know us know the truth and that's all that matters." I said handing him his phone back.

"You aren't going to do anything?" Sam asked shocked at my calm response.

"Nope, I'm happy with my life and don't want to waste time on her bullshit. People will realize she's lying and not giver her the time of day. Amara and I were together for months before she got pregnant. And I proposed a few weeks after the fight. The last I spoke to Melina was a year ago and that was to end it. She didn't get treated like a girlfriend because she wasn't one. And she knew that, she's the one that tried to put herself in a role that wasn't meant for her."

"Marriage has helped you control your anger a lot better. I should've married you off to Amara a long time ago. Would've stopped a lot of your unflattering moments with the paps."

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