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(This was inspired by Rilaya Drabbles I thought of it after reading it and so yeah I thought it was cute. Enjoy.)

It started out on my neck, then the feeling became much more. It started on a Sunday night, my mom and I were going to eat to celebrate my back to high school experience. We were in the car and I was jamming out to The Killers when I felt something press against my neck. I yelped and put my hand where I had felt it, there was nothing, "Riley sweetie. Are you ok? Why did you Yelp?" My mom looked at me worriedly, "I don't know mom.. It's just I felt something thin but long press into my neck. I'm fine." My mom glanced back over to me before continuing on, I felt it again. Except for this time it was for longer and harder, it felt as if someone was pressing a knife against my throat, I shouted again and my mom looked back over to me, quickly turning her direction around and heading back to the apartment, "Mom it's no big deal! We should just go eat." My mom shook her head and continued on.

    When we got back to the apartment mom ushered me to my room grabbing a thermostat along the way. She sat me on the bed and did normal Doctor procedures in case I was sick. But I wasn't. My temp was normal, my blood pressure was a little low, but my heart? It was going faster than a jackrabbit. I felt it again, but now it felt as if it was actually cutting my neck, "M-Mom! I felt it again!" Not even five seconds later it felt as if I was kicked in my ribs with so much force they would break and again shortly after that. Suddenly it felt as though someone threw a brick at my face and my nose felt like it was being crushed under the pressure, "Mom. I think I need to see a doctor." My mom nodded and pushed some hair from my face, "Ok sweetie we'll get you checked out." I hugged my mom as tight as I could before we left the building.

    When we reached the hospital I felt even worse, like I was being beat up by some invisible force that was stronger than a horse. I was laying on the hospital bed with my mom by my side when it stopped, the force stopped, while I was still throbbing in pain there was nothing more. Even though I was completely covered I felt a sudden rush of cold air hit my skin, my teeth started chatter, and then it stopped. Almost as if someone opened and then closed a door on a freezing night. My mom left after awhile because they decided to keep me over night and then see tomorrow, visiting ours were over and my mom handed me my phone.

I played on my phone all night until 3 I was about to doze off before I felt something wrap around my neck but of course nothing was there. I used my strongest arm to slam the call button several times. By the time nurses arrived I was struggling to breath one called my mom while the other gave me an air mask. After a little bit it stopped and I regained my breath. The nurses ushered my mom out and I went to sleep, when I woke up it wasn't sun shiny days oh what a glorious morning! Kinda wake up, it was the Somethings wrong. I grabbed my phone the time read 5AM I turned my brightness all the way up and shined it around the room I froze at the chair in the corner. "Well, Ms Matthews it took you longer to find me than I had anticipated. But you're an interesting girl, you see I believe you're one of the few that has a great connection to her soul mate. I have no time for questions so listen carefully." I nodded gulping, "My name is Feeny that's all you need to know, I'm a doctor. Not just any doctor, one that takes the unexplained into context. You Ms Matthews have such a strong bond with your soulmate that when they feel pain you feel it, but not near as bad. No, your bond feels it about 10x worse. When you were unable to breath earlier the other was suffocating, those kicks and knives and punch feelings are what's happening to them. They're in so much danger and trouble that their mind connects itself to yours leaking some pain through."

I nodded and was about to ask a question when the man held a finger up, he listened and then darted out of the room. When he left he left something behind. My question, What happens if she dies?

It's been a month, the attacks have become less and less, but I still feel just as weak and helpless. The Feeny guy? Yeah look up Feeny, he's one of those crazed scientist that experimented on his patients, but still. What he said, it haunts me. My mom hasn't been around the hospital as much because she had to pick up an extra job, Farkle and Lucas my best friends dropped by yesterday, Turns out they're dating. "AHHH!!" I screamed, I was used to my now bruised body from all the "attacks" but this, this was like nothing I've ever felt before almost as if I was shot. I just gotta say if the things the guy said are true I feel bad for my other half, I can barely handle the pain I hope they can. I also don't wanna be specific about what gender I think they are because I have no clue. But from some thoughts that drifted into my head that I head no understanding of I have a feeling it's a she. I'm terrified to find out what happens if she dies though.

It's been a week since I last wrote in here, I'm only writing today because I was right. It's a girl. She's the same age as me (18) they found her in a boat harbored on the bay. She was bloodied and bruised, the events that her skin told were the same as mine, just way worse. I'm going to meet her next week, I want to meet her now but my doctors say I need to rest up since I didn't get much sleep. I still don't know what to make of the Feeny guy but the doctors agreed I heard them in the hallway, "I don't know what to think of this James. I mean she has the same injuries as the other girl! She saw Feeny for crying out loud! He is insane but he still did help the medical field! I think he was right. But James I think she should know, and maybe even meet her." That was all I heard because whatever he said next he said very quietly. The told me the next day and I agreed. I also felt bad for her, because it turns out she has no parents, she was raised by some group and then she got kidnapped while working with them.

Im about to meet her but I have no idea what to say, "Hey we're Soulmates?" The nurse called my name, it turns out her name is Maya Hart it sounds beautiful. I followed the nurse to her supposed room I knocked on the door softly, "Come in." I was intrigued, the voice was soft yet had a tough side and it honestly sounded hot. I walked in the door and on the hospital bed laid a beautiful Blonde covered in scratches and bruises, bandages were wrapped around her torso area and her hip. I was speechless she smiled softly at me and it took my breathe away, "Hi my name is Riley Matthews, I was made for you." Is all I managed to say.

"ROSE!!! YOUR MOTHER WANTS YOU IN THE KITCHEN SWEETIE." I smiled at the voice of my mom and headed down stairs to my other mom, "Hi Riley." Mom turned around with a weird expression on her face, "What'd you call me?" I laughed, "I called you Riley, just to see what you'd do, I found your old diary in the attic and read some of it. I thought it was cute how you guys met. Terrible of course but adorable." Mom smiled and I saw two arms slink around her waist from her back, "Yes. It was very cute. But no where near as cute as Riles here." I groaned as my other mom kissed her cheek, "Ugh you two! Get a room!" They chuckled and realization dawned on 'Riles' "By the way Rose, the reason I called you down here is because uncle Farkle and Lucas are going to take care of you tonight. Your Mom and I are having a date night." I smiled because I really loved them, they were my favorite, "Yeah ya see Riles and I are getting a r-" Mom smacked her, "Peaches don't even!" I smiled, "Hmm I like peaches, suits you mom." Peaches smirk turned into full on blush, "Gawd I love our family. How bout you Honey?" My moms held me tight and kissed, "I love this family too." I said, meaning every single word.

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