Its gonna be ok

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"I'm done with you Riley!" Lucas yelled as the tears streamed down my face, "W-why?" I sobbed choking on the sobs in my throat, "Because you're a bipolar piece of trash!" I fell to my knees and held my sides wishing Maya were here to help me through my attacks like she always did, "You don't even love me." He growled, his face infront of mine, "I-I do L-Lucas!" He shook his head and clutched his fists, "No you don't, if you loved me you wouldn't be so annoying, one second happy one second sad! I can't handle your issues, your worthless!" He punched the wall by the door as I shook on the spot, "Tell your girlfriend she can come over now." And with that he was gone. He slammed the door behind him and reached for my phone on the coffee table beside me. I blindly hit speed-dial and Maya picked up on the first ring, "Riles? Are you ok?" I sniffled and choked out another sob, "Ok are you at your apartment?" I let out a small yes, "Ok stay right there Riles ill be over in a sec. Love you." All I could do was set down the phone as it clicked off, I cried harder because I knew Lucas was right.

I was a mess who can't think straight. I couldn't even keep a good boyfriend. I ran my hands through my hair, resting my head on my knees soaking my jeans from the tears. I was still shaking as hard as I had been when the door opened and she was by my side, "Shhh Riles its gonna be ok I got you. What's wrong?" I just shook as she pulled me into her arms, "Hey hey. It's ok, we are gonna be ok." I clenched my fists in her shirt as the sobs racked my body and I drowned her shirt in my tears. I was calmed more and more the longer she held me and her gentle hands rubbed circles in my back, "Lucas is gone... He made the whole in the wall. He told me I-I w-was..." I couldn't finish my sentence without tears threatening to come again, "It's ok baby.. You don't have to. We are going to get you fixed up, that wall fixed up too." I shook my head, "H-he called me b-bipolar trash... He said I was just annoying and that I don't even love him." I finished shakily and I could feel her body change from calm and sympathetic to angry. "You know what Riles?" I looked into her eyes, her face turned from anger to sadness when she looked down at me, "It's gonna be ok. We don't need jerks like him to live our lives. We just need eachother and that's what we got." I smiled at her the best I could and she moved me off her lap, "No please don't go peaches I need you!" She grinned at me, "Im not, I'm just moving us so you can be comfortable darling." My heart fluttered when she called me darling.

She picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room, Lucas's stuff was gone, he had packed and put it in his car before he left. She set me on the bed and I crawled under the covers, she went to the other side and immediately came to me and held me close to her in her arms. She smelled of vanilla and cinnamon, it wasnt long before I drifted off to sleep in her arms. I woke up and shivered, it was cold in my bed without her arms around me. WAIT! She wasn't here... She usually didnt leave until the morning, a look at my alarm clock told me it was 7:30 pm, I sat up and looked around the room. It was fairly plain, the shelve across the room was full with pictures of Maya and I, a bay window in the corner of the room, I smiled at the memories. I got out of bed and my bare feet hit the cold floor. Hmm I don't remember taking anything off, Maya must of changed me. I walked out into the kitchen taking a sweater and pulling it over my head to help warm me up.

It was silent in the apartment. Too silent. I grabbed my phone which was still on the coffee table and dialed Maya's number, a ring echoed throught the house and I inwardly groaned. I hung up and went back into my room to find her phone on the nightstand. I was feeling nosy so I grabbed her phone and scrolled through her photos. Suddenly her phone dinged and the icon was, "Private message number" I clicked to reply and it brought me to her oovoo, I read the message, 'So you kicked Lucas's butt yet?' I furrowed my eyebrows at the question and replied, 'Who is this? And what do you mean has Maya kicked Lucas's but yet?' They replied in a sec, 'Oh I'm Maya's friend Farkle, who am I speaking with?' Farkle. I have no idea who he is, he must be someone Maya met during her art job or something, 'This is Riley, what do you mean by have you kicked Lucas's butt yet?' I worried about what Maya was doing.

I didnt want her to get hurt. I loved her. I love her so much I'd do anything for her, I love her... Many thoughts crosse my mind but one stuck, "I like Maya..." I whispered aloud, her phone dinged again after awhile, 'Umm well... You see Riley.... Maya kinda loves you, and when he hurt you she was so mad. So I found out his location with my cyber skills and she went to beat him up.' I frowned, I didn't want her to get hurt, 'Wait loves me how?' I bit my lip in confusion, 'She likes you Riley. In that way.' A smile planted itself on my face when I read it. I told Farkle a thank you and goodbye before deleting the messages. I clicked off her phone and set it on the nightstand as I hear the front door open. I rushed out the room and Maya stood in the doorway, resting and panting against the doorframe. I rushed over to her side, "Oh peaches what did you do?" She had a bruise forming on her left eye, she was limping with her right leg, there was dried blood coming from her nose, a cut on her cheekbone just below her right eye. I place my hands over my mouth, "Oh baby girl lets get you cleaned up." I put an arm around her waist, hers on my shoulder as I helped her to the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the tub and I wet a wash cloth. I cupped her face in my hand and used the other to wipe some blood from her nose off.

"I beat him worse than this. He won't ever hurt you again Riles." I just hummed in response as I move to the cut below her eye. I went to touch it and she shouted pulling back and swatting my hands away, "Hey, it's gonna be okay baby girl. I got you. It's gonna hurt a little bit but don't worry, everything's gonna be ok." A few tears made their way down her face, I set the wash cloth on the tub and wiped them away with my thumb. I hummed her favorite song as I lightly cleaned up her cut. She winced a little bit and then I was done, "Okay Maya do you think your leg is broke?" She shook her head, "No he pushed me back and I fell and twisted it." I nodded my head an grabbed some wrap from underneath the sink.

I sat criss-crossed infront of her and I set her leg across my lap. I took her ankle into my hands as her finger motioned, telling me where to wrap. I kissed her ankle when I finished and she blushed at me, "Soooo where did you meet Farkle?" Her face became serious, "Umm how do you know about Farkle?" I smirked at her and twirled a piece of my hair, "I talked to him." Her eyes went wide, "What did he tell you? What do you know?" She said faster than ever, "Only the important stuff..." She looked at me expectantly as I moved towards her. I saw her swallow as she tried to scoot back, "Umm Riles what are you doing?" I bit my lip and I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her by the waist and sat her on the bay window. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I leaned in, her hands were around my neck as our lips collided. She use her hands on my neck to tug at my baby hairs. I moaned slightly and rubbed circles just above her jean waist. She smirked into my lips and we pulled away.

We sat in silence for a second just searching in each others eyes, I was kinda saddened that I couldn't see one if her ocean eyes because of the black eye. But I was cut out of my thoughts when she spoke, "What was that for?" She questioned, "Like I said he told me the important stuff." She smiled at me and our lips were connected again, as it should be forever.


Soooo what did you think? I know I said I would possibly do a part 2 to missing you where Maya and Riley chase after Lucas but I thought of the idea of this one first. I thought this one could be adorable, but let me know your opinions! Your comments are awesome. Hope you enjoyed!

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