Chapter 11

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I just started a new book, y'all! It's called Just Let Me Die, and, as you can tell by the title, it's a little (Read: Very) depressing. If you want to, feel free to check it out!

Also, this chapter is a little short. More of a filler, so sorry about that.


Jay didn't actually pass out. He just closed his eyes and went very still, hoping, pleading  that the Guardians would think he was unconscious and end it.

End the pain.

It was terrible. Just knowing that someone was removing pieces of his bone from his leg was something in itself, but the pain... It was too much. It was killing him. It had to be. How could anyone go through that and not be dying?

Not wish  they were dying? That they were dead?

Tooth was quiet before she burst into sobs. Jay could barely hear her. All he knew was that he hurt so bad that his mind was like mashed potatoes. The Guardians were trying to get her to calm down, trying to comfort her, he could tell by the blurb of voices.

My... My leg hurts. Jay thought. My head aches. Is my... Is my leg broken? Oh, yeah, it is. That's why... That's why it... Hurts? Is that what this feeling is?

His brain couldn't think straight. There was too much pain for him to even remember his own name.

Let it pass. Let it end. Please, let it be over... Let it be over.

Jay couldn't ignore the pain. There were some things that just couldn't be ignored, and agony was one of them. No, he couldn't just block it out, but he could try to focus on something else...

"Toothy, calm down." North pleaded. 

"I-I'm trying," Tooth sobbed, "But it isn't fair! How could anyone be so cruel? How could anyone want to hurt someone like that?"

"We don't know, Sheila. It just happens," said Bunny.

"But they're only teenagers!"


"Sandy, don't talk like that!" North exclaimed.

Quiet again.

"We all feel the same way, but that doesn't mean-"

Tooth butted in, "Pitch is going to pay. He isn't going to do something like this and just go on in life!"

"Breathe, Tooth, breathe," Bunny instructed, "You're having a meltdown."

"Why don't you just-!" Tooth shrieked, the paused. She sniffled. "I'm sorry. I'm acting like a child, aren't I? I'm sorry." 

Don't say sorry, Jay thought, There's nothing for you to be sorry for. There's nothing for you to be crying for. You're alive. You're not hurting. You're not afraid, so shut up.

"What are we going to do with them?" North wondered. "Once well enough to walk, what will they want to do?"

"Well, once they start walking, we'll need to make sure they're strong enough to... Not get caught." Tooth said, her voice still quavering.

"They're in pretty bad physical shape, but have any of ya considered how they're doin' emotionally? Mentally?" Bunny asked.

"I suppose that we'll just keep them here until they want to leave?" Tooth suggested. "It's up to you, North. The factory is the best place for them, but I suppose the Tooth Palace and do-"

"No, they stay here." North said quickly.

There was quiet again as Sandy spoke.

"I agree." Tooth said. Jay wasn't entire sure as to what they were agreeing to, but it was obviously important.

"Same here." Bunny added.

"It's settled, then." North said, "Come, we let them sleep for a while."

The sound of a door opening. Voices growing fainter. Jay opened his eyes...

And found himself face to face with the Sandman.

Of course. Sandy was the Guardian of dreams. It made sense that he would be able to tell when you were asleep for not. He must have known that Jay was awake the whole time.

Sandman stared at him. Jay looked away. He knew he deserved to be punished. He had lied, even if he hadn't actually said anything, and lying was forbidden, because it was a form of defiance.

Jay shuddered, flinched, and dropped his gaze. Don't hurt me, He begged silently, I won't do it again.

Sandman instead lifted Jay's chin with his hand, shaking his head and smiling...? Why a smile? Why not punishment.

Then he winked and gestured for Jay to rest, giving a small wave as he walked out of the room.

No, Jay couldn't believe that had happened. If he tried pretending to sleep like that on Pitch, the Nightmare King would have beaten him black and blue.

Jay leaned back, shifting his weight to get more comfortable.

Bad idea.

Pain fired up his leg, burning, tearing, destroying. Grimacing, Jay bit his lip to keep from screaming, letting out a choked moan instead. Pitch hated it when he made noise. The Guardians couldn't be different.

Or could they?

The Guardians acted like they actually cared. Like they were trying to make things better. 

Jay knew better than to trust it, though. He didn't trust anyone other than the boy sleeping in the bed a few feet away from him.

Jack was the only one Jay knew wouldn't betray him. Everyone else would, because they didn't care about him. Him or Jack. No one cared about them. Pitch had said so himself.

And Pitch had been right about everything else.

That was a good enough reason for Jay to believe him.

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