chapter 3

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Not edited so maybe some spelling mistakes


"Good morning rose ," I heard a loud voice but I didn't get up I knew it was Jake I'm not waking up for nobody so I lay still "rose your awake I'm not stupid," he continued to talk but I continued to lay still "hmmm okay then I guess you won't want to go out for food then....,"he said and I could just hear the mischievous in his voice.

Fuck I'm hungry ughh he won.

I immediately jump out of bed and run down the stairs but I got a bit lost so I just followed Jake's laugh
"How was your sleep?" I asked Jake with a small smile and a bit of a yawn I was so tired but nothing gets in front of food!
"It was the best sleep I've had in ages but you obviously didn't have a good sleep you seem really tired," he said with a smirk and a wink
I can't answer because the cook brings me my pancakes "thank you it looks delicious," when I said that her face glowed up and immediately there was a smile the cook was maybe 30 or 40 she was very pretty, she had light blonde hair,blue eyes and had the best complexion "your very welcome dear my name is Bella but you can call me bell," she said with the nicest smile I smile back and introduced my self and completely forget that Jake is right next too me and when I look at him his smiling right back at me he sort of looks .... Proud ? Happy ? I don't know but I like when he smiles so I go back to eating my pancakes and drinking orange juice while Jake eats bacon,eggs and toast with some orange juice he seemed more like a coffee type of guy

After we finished breakfast I put mine and Jake's dishes in the sink and start washing them "umm..what are you doing?" I look up and see Jakes face he looks completely taken back "I'm doing the dishes," I nearly laugh and go back to doing the dishes, " I can see that but we have maids for that," I stop doing the doing the dishes and look up at him "I don't think it's right for them to do the dishes when we were the ones that ate and drank off it," Jake walks to the draw and grabs a cloth and starts drying while I wash

when we're finished bell comes in looking totally shocked "were are all the dishes?," Me and Jake look at eachother and start laughing "rose and I did them bell," he gave her a tight smile while bell looks up at me and smirks "Oo I see," she gives me a wink and walks out the door.

I wonder what that was about...

"Ok so what's our plans for today?" Jake asks "our?" I ask unsure "yes ours I welcomed you into my house so I want to spend the day with you," he gave me a cheeky grin I immediately roll my eyes "well I have to go job hunting," as soon as I say that his grin drops "that's already sorted your gonna work for me," I look at him with wide eyes

"Whattt?" I say
"Your gonna be my assistant," he said with a big grin

I hope you like this chapter pleaseee vote if You want me to keep going on with this story ❤😚

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