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3 Weeks After last chapter!

*Marinette's POV*

"Your highness!" An excited scream echoed down the hall.

Of course, me being me, I was still in bed. I heard the door to my chamber open and a disappointed sigh come short after.

I forced myself to sit up and pretend that I had been awake. It was extremely hard. I was still very tired. An image of last nights problem took my attention. Last night on patrol, I had to break up a fight between two men. Your maybe wondering where Chat Noir is, but me and chat never see each other. That was due to living in different kingdoms with a few hours between them. Your probably wondering how we even managed to meet, well it was when I first got Tikki. Back then, I used to patrol different kingdoms. Until Tikki told me other kingdoms had their own heroes and just patroling my kingdom was enough. But I met Chat Noir when I was patrolling the Agreste Kingdom. Ever since that one encounter I haven't seen him. He told me he would call me if an akuma showed up so I could purify it, but none had shown up in either kingdoms. We both patrol our own kingdoms. Anyway, the fight I had to break up last night left me with sore arms and a pain in my cheek. I managed to focus back on my maid as her small frown shifted into an excited smile after seeing I was awake.

"Your highness! A letter from the Agreste Kingdom has arrived for you! Your parents have the letter!"

I stared at her in disbelief. My tiredness was turned into excitement. I couldn't believe this! A letter from the Agreste Kingdom! Only a few kingdoms have the pleasure of receiving a letter from the Agreste's. They mostly kept to themselves, and it was rare that they ever contacted others. To receive an Agreste letter was like ruling the whole world! Hehe... maybe I'm just over over exaggerating. But it was a big surprise.

I had my maid help me put on my corset and put on a dress as quickly as possible. My arms hurt putting on the dress sleeves but I paid them no attention. I was so excited! I nearly knocked down all the servants in the halls as I ran to my parents' chambers. I stopped quickly, embarrassed to suddenly remember running in the halls was unladylike. So much for trying to convince everyone I was serious enough to be queen. With a small sigh I walked as fast as I could, still trying to be as modest as possible.

I quickly reached my parents' chamber. With a light knock I tried to straighten myself up. I barely had any time to relieve myself of embarrassment when the door quickly opened.

"Mari!!" My mom pulled me into the room. I took my seat at the desk to the opposite side of the large King sized bed. Before I managed to make a teasing comment about how my dad was still in bed, sitting up listening to our conversation, but nonetheless still in bed. My mother excitedly squealed. My hand shot up immediately to my mouth trying to contain a laugh. Despite my restraint, a laugh escaped my lips. But I couldn't help it! I was excited too and I hadn't read the letter yet!

Realizing my anxious look on my face. My mom yelled, "theagrestesarehavingaballandyouareinvitedandheslookingforawifeforhissonandohmygosh!"

I couldn't contain my mix of confusion and anxiousness as I nearly yelled "slower maman!"

She took a deep breath to try and calm down. That was clearly failing. She managed to say "The Agreste's are throwing a ball to find Prince Adrien a wife. You're invited!"

My mind went blank.

Adrien was looking for a wife? They were considering me? A small voice in my head answered these questions, 'obviously! That's why you got a letter!'

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