Carl X Reader the end

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I woke up to the beautiful sound of a baby crying, I leaned to the side of the bed where my boyfriend, Carl, usually sleeps. As I tapped his side of the bed, I realized he wasn't beside me, asleep.  I slightly started to panic, but I didn't jump to conclusions. I got off my bed and put on some joggers and a plain white t-shirt.

Today was the day when me and Carl had a break from our chores in the prison. We had our whole day planned together.

''Y/N, can you please go help Carol make breakfast? Beth is busy.'' Rick said as I came out of the cell.

''Yes sure, have you seen Carl?'' I asked, hoping for an answer.

''No sorry'' He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and headed out to where Carol was.

''Hi sweetie'' Carol smiled, I smiled back and looked around for Carl, he was no where to be seen. I breathed in the smell of oatmeal that Carol had already started to cook, so all I had to do was serve everyone. I took one last look around and there was still no sign of Carl.

''Who you looking for?'' Carol interrupted my thoughts, Carol always checked up on me and always knew when something was on my mind. She reminded me so much of my mom, her kind voice was soothing.

''Oh, I was just checking if Carl was around.'' I sighed.

''If it's bothering you so much-''

''It isn't bothering me, I just want to make sure he's safe. Plus he said we would spend the whole day together since it's our day off'' I had cut her off before she could even finish her sentence. She smiled and nodded.

''Go, but make sure to come back before Rick comes outside.'' She stirred the oatmeal, I smiled and ran inside. I made my way inside without getting seen, my first destination was the showers, He had to be there. I ran until I had arrived, there was no one, surprisingly. Next was to the cafeteria, I got closer and closer. When I was in front of the door, I had to stop and catch my breath. I opened the door and the first thing I saw were two people having sex.

''Oh shit'' I whispered, I slowly closed the door before they could notice I had came in.

''Oh fuck Carl baby'' Was the thing I heard before closing the door. I surely must of misunderstood, ''Shh be quiet Liz(She's 18)'' the voice I feared to hear at this moment, it was Carl. All I felt in that moment was a mixture of anger and sadness. I opened the door, I just had to see it with my two eyes.

''You fucking prick!'' I screamed without thinking, Carl quickly got off Lizzy and looked at me and then at Lizzy, the tears just came rushing down.

''Don't ever talk to again me Carl.'' I stormed out of the cafeteria and ran as fast as I could, I heard Carl run after me and yell my name out. I didn't stop until I was outside, I stopped and wipped my tears off of my face. I casually walked fast to where Carol was, everyone was getting ready to get served and Rick still wasn't there, thank God.

''Hey Y/N.'' Maggie yelled and waved at me, I smiled and waved at her. It was painful to try not to cry.

''Found him?'' Carol asked when she saw I was in hearing rage, I shook my head and sighed.
''You okay sweetie?'' She looked at me and she might of noticed my eyes.

''Can we talk later?'' I smiled and picked up bowls to put the oatmeal in, she nodded and helped me. One by one every person came to get their bowls, except for Carl and Lizzie. I grabbed my bowl and went to go sit down with Daryl and Carol, halfway through breakfast someone finally broke the silence, but it was just a cough.

"Well, I'm done." I got up from my seat and went to start doing the dishes, after a while Carol came to help me.

"Are you going to tell me now?" She asked, breaking the silence between us. I looked at her and sighed.

"I...saw Carl with Lizzy.." My voice broke mid-sentence.

"My Lizzy?" Her eyes widened, all I could do was nod. "Y/N, did you let him talk to you?

"No, I yelled at him then ran out of there. He ran after but I didn't stop, I don't know where he is now." Tears came down my face, I couldn't help it.

"I apologize for Lizzy." She was lost for words. "I'll finish this." She smiled, I nodded and started to walk to my cell. Everyone was probably outside by now, it was quiet. When I got inside my cell, I saw Carl sitting on my bed, well our bed. I turned around to step out of the cell but Carl surprisingly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry baby, I messed up." He softly spoke, with those small words I started to be more mad than sad.  I pushed him off.

"You "messed" up?! What you did is unforgivable, you can go burn in hell!" I yelled without thinking.

"Y/N! I said I'm sorry! I fucked up once and its the end of the world for you! It was a mistake okay?!" He yelled back, I wasn't even sad anymore.

"News flash, it is the end of the world! What you did isn't a mistake, you were fully aware of what you were doing! Oh did you somehow think Lizzy was me?! Or did your dick accidentally fell into her vagina?! Well guess what Carl, you can go fuck up all the time with her now because we are done, you got it? We're over!" I turned around and tried to get out of the cell but Carl grabbed my wrist once again.

"Dammit Y/N! Fucking listen to me. I made a fucking mistake, I'm aware of that!" His grip started to hurt.

"Let go of me! You're hurting me." He didn't let go, he held my wrist tighter and tighter. "Let go of me!" I slapped his cheek with my free hand, he immediately let go. He looked at my wrist and looked at me when he noticed I was crying.

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