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"Booth, I need help." I asked him when I entered his office. "What's up?" He looked at the little girl standing next to me. "She won't talk or eat or do anything. I am surprised she even slept. I don't know what kind of food to give her or what to do with her for the day." Booth smiled and got on one knee to look at the little girl. "Are you hungry Zoey?" She shook her head yes. "Maybe you could have Angela take her back to her house and find some food." I thought about it for a second. "Angela does seem to really like her. Okay. Bye Booth."
I drove to the Jeffersonian and was greeted by Angela. "How was it? Did she talk?" Angela picked up the little girl who was standing next to me. "Sadly no. I was wondering if you could get her to eat or something." She smiled at the little girl. "I think I might have candy or something." Angela took the little girl into her room.

No One's Point of View

Zoey looked around the office of the artist. It looked fancy and wasn't filled with yucky bugs or bones. "You like sour patch kids and kit kats?" Angela asked and Zoey replied with a head shake. "Usually I save them for days when I don't feel well but, I'm more then happy to give you some." She kindly smiled. The little girl felt bad eating the nice ladies candy. "Why don't you talk?" She asked and only received a shoulder shrug. "Do you talk at all?" Most people would get mad when the child doesn't respond but Angela was different. Zoey shook her head again. "Does your head ever get tired of shrugging?" She tried to joke around earning a very small smile. "I want a million of you. I love kids but Brennan, the lady you stayed with last night, she isn't very fond of children. Don't worry she usually isn't mean though." Zoey wanted to say thank you but didn't know how. "If I give you a white board and marker, can you write?" Surprisingly, she could write even though she was only three. Zoey's honorary brother at the orphanage taught her. She shook her head yes. "Great. Come with me." The little girl stood up and took the hand Angela was offering. "Over here we have an assortment of colors you can pick from. Pick any color and have fun writing." Zoey picked the purple market and began writing. "Thank you." Angela read out loud. "Do you know how to speak?" She giggled, they both giggled. "Yeah." Zoey wrote. "I just don't talk very much. I don't like talking." This shocked the forensic artist. "What kid doesn't like talking someone's ear off?" It was a rhetorical question that she answered anyway. "Me, I guess." She spoke. At first Angela didn't notice but when she did, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "You spoke!" She screamed louder then she should have. "Sorry, I'm just really happy I get to be the first one to hear you talk." Angela cheered and Hodgins came rushing in. "Is everything okay?" He seemed worried for Angela. "Everything is great!" She spun around and even kissed Jack. He blushed and ran back to work. Zoey thought the artist was being over-dramatic but it was funny. She hugged the three year old. "I really do want a million of you. I am a kid whisperer!"

Authors note: sorry it's short but I felt the need to update.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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