Chapter One

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"Albus," He looks up from the enormous book he's reading, "I'm confused." And just by me saying that; I had his full attention.

"What about, little Rose?" His kind, old face smiles at my form, curled up in front of the roaring fire in our humble home.

"Well, when I get to Hogwarts, do I say I was raised by you? Or am I meant to keep that a secret? And can I call you Albus or do I have to call you Professor?" Albus' smile widens, as he can probably tell I'm holding back a flood of questions.

"Actually, my dear, I would like for you to say you were raised by Severus, and I will need for you to inform Fred and George of this, in case they are asked." I nod my head in understanding; I will see the twins today and let them know. "You may call me Albus in private, but it would be better if you called me Professor around others." Once again, I nod my head, although reluctantly, it will be a hard habit to break, I mean, it took me a full year to stop calling Albus 'dad'.

"Harry will come to Hogwarts in my third year, yes?" Albus nods, "Does he know about me? Does he know that he has a sister?" He closes his book and leans back, relaxing into the aged arm chair.

"No, not yet. Not even your aunt and uncle know of you. You must remember, Rose, only a few people were told about your birth, as Voldemort was still very much in power and was going after the families of those who acted against him. I was entrusted with the secret of your birth, as was Severus and the Weasley family." I've been told this part of the story a thousand times, and every time I hear it I just get mad, I should've grown up with Harry, it isn't fair to him! "I should warn you, Rosie my dear, it will be a shock for many to discover your existence and you may receive odd looks and stares from many people; student and staff." That just seems weird! I am just a kid after all, I'm sure Albus is just being paranoid.
With that in mind I smile up at him, a new thought coming to me,

"What house do you think I'll be in? Will I get to stay with Fred and George?" I couldn't imagine not being with those two, it would be awful, and so boring! Albus smiles back at me, tired eyes seemingly happy,

"You may be placed in any house, my dear, as you have characteristics from each of the houses. And I don't think you should be concerned about those two boys leaving you, they seem quite attached and content being with you."

I open my mouth to say thank you when I'm distracted by the 'swoosh' of the fire in the other room. Footsteps echo in the hallway, pause, then continue, before a suspicious Severus emerges into the living room.

"Hi, Uncle Sev!" He stares down at me, I'd find him scary if I didn't know him well.

"Rose," here it comes, "did you set up a tripwire with a Dungbomb attached," he pauses and raises a black eyebrow, "at the entrance of the hallway?" His accusing tone makes me grin widely at him.

"Yes, but it wasn't meant for you." He goes to reply, no doubt a lecture, but I decide to interrupt him, "How could you see it? The tripwire, that is." I'm attempting to get back at Fred and George for something they did last week; it really isn't fair, it's two against one most of the time.

Uncle Sev shakes his head and lowers himself into a seat, his black cloak fluttering around him, but only sitting after checking under the cushions for anything suspicious. "After the last three times I've visited, I've begun to inspect every step I take." I let out a laugh and can't seem to stop smiling.
"I take pride in that, thanks-" I pause, rather suddenly, when a horrible thought hits me, "Uncle Sev?" he raises an eyebrow at me, a signal for me to continue, "Will I have to call you Professor Severus?"

"I see the hint of a smile  on his lips, "No." I grin widely and look over to Albus who has dozed off, "You will have to call me Professor Snape."

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