Chapter Two

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As we leave the owl emporium, Fred and George won't stop teasing me about my new friend.

"Haha! Look at her; she can't sit still for even a minute!" George exclaims brightly as Mika continues to jump around and nibble at her cage.

"Well I think she is fantastic, and that's more than I can I say about you two!" I say with a little smirk.

"Oh please," Fred says with a laugh, "you love us!" It is true, although I would never admit to them, especially Fred, he can be so obnoxious!

"Alright, alright. Don't flatter yourself. But yes, you are perfectly adequate friends." I say as seriously as I can manage.

"Perfectly adequate? Perfectly adequate?" George shouts. I always know just how to get on there nerves.

"Haha I'm kidding! What would I do without my pair of pranksters?" I laugh with a big cheesy grin.

"Yeah that's right!" George says smiling brightly too. "And you are our silly little Rosie" I glare at him as he ruffles my already messy hair.

"I am not that little!" I exclaim and they both laugh. I guess they know how to provoke me too. I try to hide my smile but it is no use. "Come on then. Let's keep moving" I say with determination. "It's time to get our wands!" They both smile broadly and we continue on down Diagon Alley to find Ollivanders.

Once inside the old shop, all the loud hustle and bustle from the busy street outside falls silent as we shut the door behind us. The only sound to be heard is the little bell that rings when a customer steps in or out. I have never set foot in Ollivanders before, I never had any reason to as I was not permitted to own a wand until now. It's quite eerie and mysterious. I like it. As we approached the counter Fred and George suggest that I should go first as their wands may not be quite as exciting as mine as they have little money to spend. I feel guilty but there is never really anything I can do in these situations, except offer to pay for them of course, but they never accept. I hand Mika's cage to George to look after (he has always been slightly more responsible than Fred) and I do as they say. I ring the bell at the counter which echoes throughout the quiet store. "Hello?" I say as there is no one in sight. I turn back to Fred and George for a moment but they simply shrug in reply. As I turn back around I can't help but jump a little as an elderly looking man has appeared out of no where right in front of me.

"What can I do for you child?" He asks gently. "Hear to purchase your first wand I presume?"

"Yes sir." I say with open excitement.

"Of course. Please stretch out your preferred arm so I can measure you properly." I follow his instructions as he pulls a long tape measure with silver markings out of his pocket. All at once the tape measure begins to measure me from shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round my head, all without the help of  Mr Ollivander himself. I love magic! As it completes the task of measuring the space between my nostrils, Mr Ollivander returns from the shelves with three boxes in his hands. "That will do," he says, and the tape measure crumples into a heap on the floor, "Here child, try this one out for size" he says, as he passes me a beautiful light brown wand that he explains has a dragon heartstring core. I give a large swish and after I do so I hear a loud bang that comes from behind me.

I turn around to find Fred on the floor, and George bending over and laughing hysterically. "Well perhaps not that one," I say, joining in on the laughter, "Although that would be fun!"

"Yes perhaps another" Mr Ollivander says with a twinkle in his eye. "Try this one" I take the next wand offered to me and it immediately feels right. As soon as I grasp the handle it sends shivers down my spine and I feel a light heat radiating from the wood into my hand. As my face lights up in wonder Mr Ollivander smiles at me and understands right away that this is the wand for me. "Ah, a beautiful wand, my dear, blackthorn wood with a unicorn hair core, 10" and unyielding flexibility! A fine match for a fiery girl! Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior, whilst unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she is an accomplished witch or wizard. Although, I have a strong feeling we are to expect some great things from you Miss...?"

"Rose, my name is Rose." I answer, carefully. Ever since I was very little I have been told not to give away too much information about myself, it could cause unwanted attention.

"Miss Rose." Mr Ollivander says smiling, as he puts my wand back into its dusty box. "That will be seven Galleons, please." I hand Mr Ollivander my money in exchange for my wonderful new wand. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! Minutes pass and I am so distracted by thoughts of my new treasure and envisioning what it is going to be like being able to finally learn how to use it at Hogwarts that I hardly notice the choosing process that Fred and George go through.

Before I know it we are leaving the
store and they are both gushing about how whose is better and so forth. "Slow down!" I shout at them.

"We were both chosen by wands with dogwood wood!" exclaims George.

"I could have guessed that would happen!" Fred says in reply laughing. "Mr Ollivander said that dogwood is one of his own personal favourites, and that they are quirky and mischievous. He also said that..."

"They have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun." George says, finishing Fred's sentence.

"Well then, sounds like a perfect match!" I say, and we all laugh. Everybody knows Fred and George Weasley are notorious for being trouble makers and I couldn't think of anything that describes their nature better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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