Final Day: Arguments

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(When you make chapters on an iPod, a thousand words is a pretty long chapter. Not so much on other devices. Also I apologize for the video.)

"You shouldn't been allowed to go to the studio after the stunt you pulled the other day, but I know you'll annoy us until you can. Just don't stay there until 5am, alright?" Bumi insisted, cleaning up the aftermath of breakfast. Mingli is a sloppy eater and had retreated back to his bed to rest more. Bumi and I were semi-decent with eating and had plans for today. Bumi was cleaning the dorm with Ming while I went back to the studio.

Once Bumi was done with the dorm, he said he was going to take Mingli to show him something he saw while out yesterday. They would they come and get lunch with me at about 3 in the afternoon. With it being the last day of our break, we all chose to be in the studio for it Manager-noona called us workaholics, but realized that we were adjusting back to our regular schedules.

"We'll work on vocals tomorrow, so try and get the drums in today. Try not to eat lunch with Jungkook again!" Bumi called after I walked out the door. I chuckled to myself and hailed a cab.

Having the studio to myself is the best thing in the world seemingly. I can work without having to stop or listen to Mingli's vigorous hand tapping. The tracks for the soundboards were recorded and needed a few adjustments. The piano was done for the most part and Mingli managed to record part of the guitars and told me that the drums would be at the company by noon.

"Good morning, Jimi-sunbaenim." A small group of trainees said as they bowed to me. I bowed in return and made a beeline to the studio since all of those guys towered over me like Mingli and Bumi do. As much as I would like to be tall, being short is more simple and easy since everyone thinks you can't do certain things and that makes the tall people do it for you.

The moment I stepped into the studio, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Flipping it out, I saw that it was from Jungkook, and it was quickly being followed by several more. They were all about something he found apparently, but I waited until he stopped typing to reply.

"Hey Jimi, I'm sorry if I got you in trouble with your manager yesterday, but I need to ask you something important that I found." It then follows into telling about how when we were out at lunch, someone took a picture of us with our heads down, texting each other.

The original purpose of the photo was to diss on teens being addicted to technology, but the shippers of GoldenSilence, the ARMYs, and Lovers figured out that it was us. Being the wonderful, talented, fast-working, and sometimes crazy fans the three groups were, they already had fanart, and other things created about the event.

"\_(-_-)_/ what can I do about it?" I shut my phone off, grabbed some recording equipment, and shuffled to the percussion recording area-thing. Once I stepped in, I set up the equipment and waited for the delivery guy to show up with the drums. Within a few hours, he showed up and dropped everything off, understanding that I didn't talk.

After setting up the drums and a little bit of practice, I made quick work on recording. I might of improvised on a few parts but I am writing the whole album on my own for the most part. I finished about three songs before Mingli-hyung stepped inside and banged on the glass of the recording booth. He laughed at my reaction because I fell out of my seat and almost knocked over the snare drum.

"Bumi is on his way, he just needed to talk to manager-noona." Mingli walked in and set up his guitar while I went and saved my work for editing later. I gave him a thumbs up when I was ready to record.

We started where left off the day before, and really worked until Bumi-hyung came in with a stack of take-out boxes and a pout on his face.

" I just read an article about how some people think that ChiChi is too full of himself to talk publicly or on camera! That's not true, right Jimi?" I nodded and went to help Bumi with the food. Mingli snorted and said one the worst puns I've ever heard.

"Jimi is too soft to be a shellfish." He chortled as he held up a box of shrimp, making Bumi groan and pulled the box away from him.

"Just for how awful that pun was, you don't get any shrimp." The two started bickering like a married couple while I continued setting out the food and picking a bowl out for myself. Watching the two fight was more entertaining than any drama I've seen. Bumi hates swearing so he uses his sass and witty comebacks while Ming curses like a sailor and always has different ways of getting a word or two into a sentence.

"Boys! Get back to work, we can hear you from the dance studios!" A dance instructor hollered when he opened the door, making Bumi and Ming freeze. They apologized immediately and promised to not argue where people can hear them.

"Smooth work Hiro, noona is probably gonna find out and chew our asses." Bumi snorted and went to grab a paper bowl I had set out for us. It was awkwardly silent and you could cut the tension in the air with a plastic knife. I sighed and nudged Ming, gesturing over to Bumi. With some silent persuasion, Ming crossed the room and began to apologize, again making the two look like a married couple.

"It's fine Ming, I let things go too far. I- Lets just get this done and we'll talk at home, okay?" Ming agreed and the two sat next to each other, being mushy and affectionate to each other now. Just so they could have their moment, I stepped out and wandered towards the alley that was away from the public eye. Once out there, I let a huff of air out, letting the cool breeze in my system.

"Jimi? Is everything okay? I heard your hyungs arguing little while ago." Jungkook walked outside after a mere two minutes of total silence by myself. I shrugged, not bothered by the bickering, just needed to step out and breath.

"Mingli-issh swears a lot, how come he doesn't get trouble for it?" I wanted to smack my head on the wall as Jungkook continued to rant about the privileges that our hyungs get because their older. It only got annoying when he didnt stop.

"I mean why can't the Makane speak their mind and be taken seriously! Ah-hey, what was that for?" He rubbed his arm, glaring somewhat. All I did was pinch him, no big deal. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"What? What are you getting at? It's hard to interpret your questions when you don't say anything." I rolled my eyes and pulled him inside dragging him to BTS' dance studio. I pointed at him him then the door, and raised my hands mock surrender. Jungkook had a puzzled expression then seemingly figured it out.

"We took a break, Jin and RM-hyung are getting food while the others went off on their own. I saw you walk by and I tried to get your attention, but you ignored me." I nodded and began walking back to the recording booth, I'm sure Bumi and Ming-hyung are wondering what I'm doing.

"Jimi, I'll see you later okay?" Jungkook called after me, I turned and gave him a quick thumbs up before turning the corner.

Now to get back to work.

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