Questions and Answers

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(Hey there, uh there is gonna be some sad stuff in this so trigger warning: cultural homophobia, swearing, mental break-down, and a crying makane.)

"Jungkook will you focus? You've messed up five times already, what is with you today?" The instructor rubbed his eyes in frustration and gave the boys a quick break to freshen up. The embarrassed and flustered makane took this opportunity to collect his thought in the restroom, speed walking past a certain someone's studio as he did.

"Get ahold of yourself, Jeon Jungkook. It's just a dumb old crush, it'll pass and you'll be back to.." What was he thinking? Jungkook quickly pressed cold to his face, letting the shit AC hit his damp skin. Then the tears came, and the makane couldn't do anything to stop them. He leaned over the sink, letting the tears fall as he heaved heavy breaths to stop sobbing. Thankful that it was a one person bathroom, Jungkook sat in the floor and pulled at his hair, mentally screaming at himself for thinking there was a chance.

"Jungkook? You okay?... I'm coming in." Yoongi's bare face appeared worried as the elder stepped into the restroom. Jungkook had scrambled up and rubbed wildly at his tears, trying to look decent, but Yoongi had already seen through it. He pulled out his phone to send a quick message before dragging the makane to their own studio.

"What's wrong? You can't keep this to yourself forever, Kook. It'll break ya if you do." Jungkook remained silent, trying to process on how to say his words without sounding like a idiot. Yoongi was patient, handing the makane a water bottle and some tissues to clean up.

"If this is about Jimi, then you can tell me. I won't give anything away to the others, but you have to tell someone." The mention of Jimi's name sets off another, smaller, wave of tears from the makane. This very action made the situation much clearer to the elder, who carefully comforted his distressed band mate.

"Y-you'll think me st-stupid for even considering it!" Jungkook managed to choke out, curling up to appear smaller, more fragile than Yoongi's ever seen him. After letting him calm down, Yoongi manage to coax out what was causing Jungkook all this stress.

"Ever since Hyung showed us that magazine with Jimi in it... I-uh. All I wanted was to have Jimi be with me, to have him smile because of me. I just wanted... Him." Jungkook stood quickly moving to the over side of the room, afraid of what his hyung would say, afraid of rejection or humiliation.

"There, I told you what was wrong, now what do you want! I get it, I'm a fucking queer! Are you happy?!" What happened next only made the collapsed makane sob harder. Instead of what he would expect from his family or his old friends, Yoongi embraced Jungkook, joining him on the floor. Words of comfort and the warmth of acceptance, calmed the raging storm of anxiety brewing in the Makane's head.

"You know, I had similar issues when I was younger than you. I liked this guy, but I was dating another girl, I thought it was a phase until I reached high school." Listening to the hardship that his hyung went through, brought a sense of higher respect to Jungkook. To lighten the mood, Yoongi recalled an interesting story of his first boyfriend, laughing at the memory of their first date. The stories continued, along with a brief Internet search to help explain the different sexualities and genders in the community.

"If you need to talk about anything, come to me. I'll make time for it." Jungkook and Yoongi smiled at each other, a mutual understanding of what it's like to be who they are.

(If you guys don't know, in Korea it's considered an 'American thing' to be non-heterosexual or non-cisgendered.  Itaewon and Hongdae are considered safe-havens to LGBT+ people in South Korea, other than that 77% of Korean LGBT teenagers have contemplated suicide and 54% have attempted to take their own lives. 59% of the people still consider the LBGT+ to be of lower 'class' so to speak. Many lead a double life, so you'll be seeing that in what is to come.)

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