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Vance POV

I must have dozed off because I woke up when Faux shifted; we had ended up on the floor, me spooning him.
"Hmm, morning," I mumbled as Faux turned in my arms, our noses touching.
His breathing was light but also fast, like a kitten panting. His mismatched eyes flicked to my eyes, my nose, and then finally my lips.
I grinned softly, and moved my head closer, giving him the opportunity...
Faux looked back up at my eyes and I muttered, "F>ck this," and I jammed my lips to his.
He instantly softened in my arms and let out a soft whimper when I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, asking for permission to enter; which he granted immediately.
But there is something called oxygen and most humans need it. I
I released his lips and let out a soft chuckle when I saw Faux's heated face. 
Faux averted his eyes, but I caught his chin, and muttered, "Don't do that sweetheart, I love seeing your pretty eyes."
His blush went up to ears and down to his neck now.
I did a quick eskimo kiss and then sat up, wincing from the after math of sleeping on the floor.
Faux looked at me and asked quietly, "Can I take a shower?"
"K, I'll make some breakfast, what do you want?" I asked, helping him up.
"I don't-"
I cut him off, "Faux you will eat, what do you want?"
He looked at his feet and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, "Please don't make me decide." 
There it was again. That submission. I knew enough about a D/S because when I was in college I had gone to a few clubs. I didn't activity participate in that life style, but I know the basics, but I would need to go deeper if I was going to help Faux.
"All right, how about some pancakes? Do you like them, answer honestly," I said, gently kissing his forehead.
He nodded and whispered, "I'm sorry..."
"For what hun?" I asked, gently combing my hand through his hair.
"Being difficult."
"Hey no, don't do that to yourself. You went through a hell nobody knows about or can comprehend. There is nothing to be sorry for," I held his eyes before he looked away, ruffling his hair again I shooed him to the bathroom.

I had some pancakes cooking and as I waited for them to cook, my laptop was open, and a blush painted my cheeks slightly.
Some information was extremely graphic and came with even more so pictures. I didn't want to get into any hardcore stuff because this wasn't my kind of lifestyle.
A crippling thought shot though me. What if I couldn't be everything Faux needed? What if I turned out to be a terrible 'Dom'. I don't think I can even call myself that when I'm just now learning it. 
Shaking my head I continued on with other links, and there was one that caught my eye.
(A/N Before you continue, everything below is made up. {And if you are in a D/S relationship, only D/S please, feel free to correct me} And the universes forbid, if any of you are in an abusive relationship of any kind, stay safe and try to get help from family, friends, or the authorities.)

What if my sub shows signs of past or current abuse?
I instantly clicked on the link.
Question from @TrustNotLust, 6 hours ago: My sub and I have just signed a three month contract; we have just barely started but I can see that he is terrified of failing me. Is this a sign of abuse?
Answer from Doctor Dom, 5 hours ago: Absolutely not, it is not a sure sign of past abuse. That is a sign of a good sub, for it is in a sub's nature to despise the thought of failing their Master. Now if there are signs of tense ups as if your sub's mind is not with you, it would be safe to say it might be from past abuse. The best thing though is to ask your sub in the best way possible. But make sure that you don't push them; only you know your sub and how to ask them. 

Question from @SubsAndUkes, 1 year ago: Hi, I'm a sub. And my Master doesn't know that I'm doing this but. But I need help. My Master's brother has a sub that he is abusing terribly. When Master's brother and her come to visit he doesn't feed her, but he hits her, and shouts foul words at her. I know her personally, she is not into that kind of play.
Question from Doctor Dom, 1 year ago: If you tell your Master will he punish you in the same way?
Answer from @SubsandUkes, 1 year ago: No!! He's nothing like his brother, but I don't want to anger him, after all it's his brother I am speaking against.
Answer from Doctor Dom, 1 year ago: If your Master is as trustworthy as you say, you should have no problem telling him. But if you do not feel safe, contact others close to you.

I continued to skim through when a certain last name caught my eye.

Question from @L.London, 3 years ago: I have had the amazing opportunity to have a precious boyfriend. We are not in a D/s relationship, but he shows signs of have been in one...and professionally trained. It's as if the relationship had been forced. 
I have actually known him for a quite a few years, but there was a moment in time when he disappeared three years, and when he came back he was different.
He was no longer his soft spoken or bubbly self, he was scared of his own shadow. I've notice this for a while whenever I brought it up he brushed it off instantly. But just recently I brought up the topic of separating because I wasn't helping. I had never seen him get so angry when I had degraded myself. I'm extremely confused, most times he's terrified of any hostile reaction and is always meek, but as soon as I said something minorly bad about myself, he was spurred in life.
Any suggestions, help, comments?
Answer from Doctor Dom, 3 years ago: Get counseling now. Your sub is showing signs of a Stockholm syndrome relationship. He was obviously forced into this lifestyle and developed the submissive side of a sub and the loyalty, but other than that he probably knows nothing more than pain. His abuser made your boyfriend feel fear but then was there to comfort him after the abuse. Much like wax play; a stinging sensation and then the cooling of the ice. So initially you boyfriend found comfort in his abuser but found fear in anyone else that represented his abuser too.  How about you give my office a call and we can talk about this more in depth. My contact info is on the home page.

I sat back in my seat, pale, oh my gods.
"Vance, is there something burning?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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