Matthew 5:29

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Funny how this scripture is compared to ways of life. So often we select which things are acceptable to discard and which aren't. No matter the source. In a whole, it is bountiful to discard all that is unwanted actions upon oneself. Just because it feels good to you. Doesn't mean it feels good to someone else. Just because at the moment it works for you doesn't mean if it was done to you that it still works for you. So cast that proception away as the limp that deems the entire body a flaw. Charactersitics are what we are and what source we all come from to make us, us. In hindsight there are more mental disabilities we face as acceptable behavior than the physical. It is easy to depict the choice mannerisms that people see and put of a face of sheep clothing to hide our true intentions. The eyes are easily fooled by the proception of magic. A door being held opened. A kind wave of the hand. But it is more of our own mental delights that needs to be encouraged to be discarded. If there is a such a thing called revenge. Would you like to have it countered onto you. If there is a thing called plot. Would you like to be the source. The muse of deceit. A wise tale dictates that such astions be done onto yours as it is done to another. When we all sow our fruits of life. Which fruits do we want to return. There is no real rhyme or reason to which will come back to us if both seeds are sown. There fore only the seeds of what is desired shall be sown. Be fruitful and multiply the seeds of pleasantness. Be fruitful and multiply the seeds of understanding and generaously allow the body to harvest that which has come back. From every direction, collect that which you only have planted. Even if it seems to that of the negative. We already know that the seeds of which we planted shall yield its fruit. For weeds do grow from ground the pasture without the need of ignitiation. When things are its darkest. Believe that it is what is to be and not what have been sown. For the person being fruitful have not sown any seeds that the person wish to come back one them. And so that person knows that its reaping shall be a harvest of great joy and maybe some weeds.

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