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Lucy's P.O.V
Leo was walking in front his smile turned into a deep frown when we were right in front of the door. Before i walked in leo gave me a hug and began to speak "sorry Lucy i just wanted to do that before we walk in". I was a bit confused and worried what was going to happen when i walk in my room. I opened the door to see everyone frowning and crying a bit "what's going on leo". "Lucy" Aquarius said stepping towards me " you have to let me go". "No I won't i already lost you in person and now i going to lose you again" i said sobbing. "Lucy you have found real friends we popped up because you were sad and needed us" "that doesn't mean I don't need you now" i said dropping onto my knees. "If you let me go then they will be able to go" she said pointing to the rest " you'll be able to be happy with your real friends" Aquarius said with tears going down her face. "I won't i love you all to much" "stop being a spoiled brat you have real friends don't push them away". "Aquarius i know but...hiccup..you are...hiccup...my real friends" " Lucy we will always be apart of you in your heart and now it's time to say goodbye" leo said this time. Tears are going down my face like waterfalls while one by one say goodbye and disappear. "Lucy i will always be in your heart even though you won't see us you might hear us helping you find your heart again" Aquarius said slowly disappearing. I screamed that was the only thing I could think of I screamed in pain, sadness, and anger. I heard people rushing around in the hall and the first one to my room was Rogue he saw me and immediately hugged me like there was no tomorrow. I was sobbing and screaming I couldn't chose i was in so much pain that i couldn't control what was going on. All I remember is them leaving,Rogue running to my room, and me falling asleep. When i woke up i was on the floor with my head rested on something and that something was a someone named Rogue. He started to wake and look me right in the eye "are you alright Lucy do you want me to take you somewhere" he said in a sleepy voice. "No Rogue i should be fine on my own but you should probably head back to your own room to get ready" he nodded and got up "Lucy if every need something I'll be there"he said with a smile. He left and i felt tears go down my face again i need to shower was all i could think of the only thing I wanted to do. After my long shower i got dressed and saw it was time to take my pills and go to breakfast. I took the pills but breakfast i was hesitant about I didn't need them to find out but i went anyway. I saw Levy on the way and walked with her "i heard a scream up stairs was everything okay we weren't allowed to go up at the time" "yeah everything was fine" i said with a tint of sadness but covered it with a fake smile.

The Mental Hospital                                         (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now