Chapter 11

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(Harry's POV)

Aunt Laura and Uncle Mike had left earlier on with Henry to hunt, leaving little Char with me and Liam. They would probably take hours so I had to think of something to keep Char busy.

What do most 13 year old girls like doing? ohh yeah... SHOPPING!!!

"So Char, d'ya wanna go shopping? we can get whatever you want and we'll go to Nando's, how about that?" I asked little Char who was sat sulking because she wasn't allowed to hunt, (she gets way too carried away). Her face suddenly brightened up as she nodded her head violently.

"Liam, you wanna come too?" I asked now looking at Liam who was texting somebody, probably Paige, on his phone.

"Yeah sure, can Paigie come?"


So with that we got our stuff together and made our way to my car.

(Louis' POV)

Zayn and Niall sat laughing at me as I tried to catch the polos, that were being thrown at me, in my mouth

"Guys stop it!" I cried whilst laughing. I was being pelted with polos when it came to a sudden stop. we all turned to look at Niall with confused looks on our faces. Niall had the widest and most cheeky grin plastered onto his face.

"NANDO'S!!!" he shouted and me and Zayn started laughing again.

"I guess we're going to Nando's then." I laughed

"I guess so." Zayn smiled

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Niall shouted.

(Harry's POV)

"You ready for Nandos?" I asked looking over towards Charlotte, Liam and Paige.

"Yes, yes, yes." Char chanted. Paige giggled as Liam whispered something in her ear. I could hear it and so could Char and we both looked at them with disgust. (You don't want to know what they said).

We walked over to a booth on the right side of Nandos and sat down.

"I'll order, what does everyone want?" Paige said cheerfully."

"Oh no darling, i'll do it." Liam said, what a gentleman.

"Li I'm fine," Paige giggled as Liam tickled her waist in attempt to sit her down. "what does everyone want?" She asked once again. Paige took our orders and went up to the till where she payed an got our food.

Liam frowned as I smirked at him.

"What are you smiling for?" Liam huffed

"Aw does iccle Li Li miss his Paigie-poo allweady?" I asked in a babyish tone. Little char laughed as I gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Calm down, she's only a couple metres away," he sighed and gave me a shrug before giving me a smile.

"Wow, he's fit!" char suddenly said.

"Who?" I asked and she pointed over to a brown haired blue eyed boy wearing skinny jeans a LA top an some grey TOMS. Louis.

"He's all mine sister." I said playfully

"Not if I get him first." she smirked and I frowned. I knew she was only joking but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

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