To My Happiness

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You have no idea how much I want to tell you, but I'll try to keep it short. I remember meeting you in 4th grade and being UNBELIEVABLY scared of you. But then, I heard your laugh, saw your smile, and I longed for your happiness. As time went on, I learnt that your life wasn't as perfect as I thought it was, and I thought I didn't have a chance to be your friend. So I settled for second-best, your sister.
It turned out, though, that she wasn't anything like you, to be exact, she strived to be different than you. So, I stopped hanging out with her. Then, high school happened, and you were in 2 of my classes. I don't know how it happened, but somehow, we just.... Clicked. From then on, I was a part of your group, and everyone in it made me so happy.(Even though Alexis put a dent in my head....that kinda hurt 😆)
As the year started to end, drama began. Multiple things happened, and our group started to break apart. I guess you and I took it the hardest, but eventually we sorted everything out and the group was restored. This summer, we didn't talk much, but I know that you found something in your life that makes you happy, and that makes me happy. Because I remember when a little girl used to long to be you; to have your life, your smile, your happiness, and then that little girl learned the truth, and it was from you. You taught her that she needed to be herself, even though she hated it. You told her how you thought the same, but eventually, together, we stopped our self-hate. Sure, we have a few tiny relapses, but our happiness keeps us on track. And I want you to know that, Alex, you made me happy, so thank you, and I cannot wait to see you again.


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