Farkle, Riley and Maya

75 4 0

$-Maya, should I ask her out? I don't know what to do anymore.

<3-Farkle, I think you should do what you think is right. Do you love her?


<3-What do you think she will say?

$-I think she will say yes.

<3-ASK HER OUT!! If you don't, I will ask her for you.

$-Could you? I am so nervous so I don't know what to do.

<3-Yes I can.

<3-*adds Riley to the conversation*

<3-Riley, Farkke has a question for you.


$-Maya, I can't do it...

<3-OMG!! Riley, will you go out with Farkle??


$-Wait, really?

%-Yeah.. I love you, Farkle.

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